Message from the Chair: Department of Mathematics

Mathematics is the language of science and the key to understanding the mechanics of our world. We offer a meaningful selection of service courses designed to help technically oriented students grasp the quantitative elements of physics, life sciences, electrical, computer, mechanical, architectural, aerospace, and bio-engineering. In addition, students have the option of a Math minor program by taking a total of 16 credits of upper-level math courses beyond Calculus II.
Our Math Resource Centers offer individualized instruction and guidance by regular math faculty for students in need of extra help and enrichment.
Ranja Roy, Ph.D.
Chair, Department of Mathematics
Contact Us
Long Island
Ranja Roy, Department Chair
Harry J. Schure Hall, room 114
Ms. Kathy Zhou, Administrative Assistant
Harry J. Schure Hall, room 124
New York City
Nina Abdullah, Administrative Assistant
16 W. 61st St., room 824