Unlocking Cancer’s Molecular Processes
In a new study, cancer researchers at the College of Osteopathic Medicine continue the historic work of a world-renowned Nobel laureate and may explain why some human cells become cancerous, spread, and resist treatment.
Improving Understanding of Cognitive Impairments
An NIH-funded study by a College of Osteopathic Medicine researcher could improve understanding of brain cell function and help deliver a cure for intellectual disability.
An Alumnus Takes Down Barriers to Eye Care
Optometrist Dean Hart, OD (B.S. ’82), dedicates his time to service and humanitarianism, donating his resources to provide eye care for those in need.
Growing Long Island’s Tech Workforce
Alongside major partner Brookhaven National Laboratory, New York Tech is educating leaders for this booming technology corridor.
CORK 2024
D.O.s and scientists from around the world traveled joined NYITCOM for the inaugural Conference on Osteopathic Research and Knowledge (CORK).
News Byte: Vancouver M.B.A. Students Win Prize in Global Competition
M.B.A. students Stella Luoou Li and Kumaran Ahilan received a second-place prize for their work creating solutions to corporate challenges in Southern Connecticut State University’s Global Business Students Competition.
Future Physicians Attain Research Funding from the American Heart Association
Two NYITCOM students received the AHA’s Scholarship in Cardiovascular Disease to fund research into how menopause and blood vessel calcification impact cardiovascular health.
NYITCOM Students Gain Advocacy-focused Opportunities With Support From Esteemed Medical Foundation
NYITCOM has secured a two-year award to provide medical students with valuable public policy-focused learning experiences.
Students Impress in 2024 UREP Project Presentations
College of Engineering and Computing Sciences students showcased their work in the annual Undergraduate Research and Entrepreneurship Program presentations.