Design Intelligence

16 W. 61st St., 11th-floor auditorium 16 W. 61st St., 11th-floor auditorium, New York, NY, United States

The School of Architecture and Design at New York Tech and Dean Maria Perbellini are very pleased of partnering with Design Intelligence- FuturesĀ in hosting "The Leadership Summit on the Business of Design: The Future of Talent, Organizations, & Leadership." This event will take place October 7-8 in our New York Tech Auditorium on 16 W. […]

Responsible Tech Careers

16 W. 61st St., 11th-floor auditorium 16 W. 61st St., 11th-floor auditorium, New York, NY, United States

Ready to shape the future of tech? Join us for an inclusive networking and learning experience on responsible technology careers! Meet professionals, learn about their work, and get actionable advice about how to get a job in the field. Sponsored by the College of Arts and Sciences, College of Engineering and Computer Sciences, and the […]