Student Handbook: Vancouver Campus

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Global Academic Programs: Vancouver Graduate Student Handbook
Updated: April 2022

Welcome to the NYIT-Vancouver campus, the gateway to your future. We have a proud history of achievement, as evidenced by our graduates and our academic programs. Founded in 1955 as a private, not-for-profit institute in the State of New York, New York Institute of Technology now has campuses in Long Island, New York City, Arkansas, and here in Vancouver.

Each program at our Vancouver campus is based on the same courses as the program in New York. However, because we infuse significant local and international content throughout many of the courses, students are prepared to work anywhere in the world. New York Tech in Vancouver offers a variety of graduate level degree programs, such as our established Master of Business Administration, M.B.A. program (general M.B.A. or with a concentration in Finance), and our highly regarded Master of Science in Cybersecurity (M.S., Cybersecurity). The Master of Energy Management (MEM) is dedicated to innovation in energy management and fits perfectly with British Columbia's goals to become a world leader in this area. NYIT-Vancouver's MEM is congruent with British Columbia's energy policies while recognizing that students must also be employable elsewhere in Canada or globally.

New York Tech is an important and valued member of Vancouver's higher education community. We are collaborating with both public and private institutions and have formed partnerships with over 40 businesses and community partners. By joining us at NYIT-Vancouver, you will be part of an institution with a presence in both Atlantic and Pacific Gateway cities: New York City, one of the planet's greatest cities, and Vancouver, one of the world's most beautiful and livable cities.

Irene Young
Executive Director and Campus Dean

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Use of this Handbook

This student handbook is intended to provide general information for students at the Vancouver campus and is updated from time to time. If you identify information that is not accurate or out of date, please notify

Policies and procedures are subject to change and students should be familiar with the New York Tech website where more in-depth information is available.

In the Appendix you will find some very important policies that as a student you should be familiar with. Please take the time to review them:

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Contact Us


Vancouver specific information is located at:

Campus Locations

2955 Virtual Way, Suite 310
Vancouver, BC
Canada V5M 4X3


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Dates for programs, statutory holidays, and other important dates are outlined in the academic calendar which is posted on the website.

Early registration within the period designated assures the most flexible choice of classes and eliminates early cancellation of under-enrolled course sections.

A course may be cancelled by New York Tech for any reason, including insufficient enrollment. Official registration in a course section is required in order to earn a grade for a class. Registration must be completed by the end of the change of program period (see academic calendar). Therefore, students who have not officially registered for a course section will not receive a grade retroactively. Students are not officially registered until all tuition and fees are satisfied.

Attendance is not permitted in any class without official registration for that class.

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Confirmation of Enrollment

Students may require proof of enrollment for various purposes. The Proof of Enrollment Certificate is available once you register for classes in New York Tech's Student Service HUB, your one-stop Home for University Business.

Please go to the Student Service HUB to find more information.

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How to Register for Classes

Registering for classes can sometimes be a confusing process. New York Tech has created a series of video tutorials that will guide you step-by-step through the registration process. For more information, please contact Advising.

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Official Transcripts

Transcripts may be ordered online through the National Student Clearinghouse (NSC). Log in to the my.NYIT portal to order a transcript or, if you do not have access to the portal, you may order transcripts directly through NSC at You may order an electronic transcript (PDF) or opt to receive a paper copy by mail.

Official paper transcripts are signed, impressed with the New York Institute of Technology official seal, and placed in a sealed envelope that will be sent directly to the recipient you indicate. Official electronic transcripts (PDFs) contain a digital signature, watermark seal, and Adobe blue ribbon certification. To order your undergraduate/graduate transcript, choose "All/Undergraduate and Graduate" transcript type in your transcript order.

There is a fee for each transcript that is ordered. If you select the transcript processing option "After Degree Is Awarded" or "After Grades Are Posted" and subsequently incur charges, including those associated with your future registration, your transcript will be released only after your financial obligations are met.

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Students can request diplomas or diploma replacements from the links below. Please note that there is a fee of $45 USD for replacement diplomas.

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Add/Drop Period

Students may add and/or drop courses during the add/drop period as defined on the academic calendar.

For more details, please refer to the Withdrawal and Course Drop Refund Policy for Current Students.

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Readmission for Former Graduate Students

Former graduate students of New York Tech who wish to return and/or resume study must apply for readmission. If a student's last date of attendance was within the past five years, the student must complete and submit a readmission form through the Office of Admissions. If a student's last date of attendance was more than five years ago, the student must complete and submit a new application for admission.

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Grades and Grade Appeal Process

Viewing Grades

Your grades can be accessed online at my.NYIT. If you are missing a grade for a course, contact your instructor or the academic department.

The Academic Catalog provides information on official grades and their equivalent quality points.

Grades Appeals Process

A grade awarded on the basis of academic dishonesty may not be appealed under this procedure, unless the charge has been resolved in favor of the student pursuant to New York Tech's Academic Integrity Policy.

If a student believes that they received an incorrect grade, the student must notify their instructor immediately in writing that they would like to have the grade reviewed. There are three levels of the appeal process

Level I – Faculty Appeal

The student begins a grade appeal by filling out a grade appeal form, which can be found in the office of the Director of Student Affairs. This form should be completed and submitted to the instructor of the course where a review is requested.

Students may file a formal challenge to a grade based on the following:

  1. It was a direct result of arbitrary and capricious conduct on the part of the instructor.
  2. The instructor discriminated against the student on the basis of a protected classification.
  3. The grade was incorrectly calculated.
  4. A clerical error occurred in recording the grade.
  5. A mitigating circumstance prevented the student from completing a final assignment or attending the final examination. In such cases, a grade may be changed to either a "W" or "I", pursuant to the rules governing these grades.

The student must present detailed and specific evidence in support of their claim.

In order to timely commence such a challenge, a student must notify the instructor in writing no later than the third week of the succeeding semester that she/he wishes to challenge the grade.

Within two weeks of receipt of the challenge notification, the instructor must notify the student in writing or in person whether she/he will change the grade.

In the event that New York Institute of Technology no longer employs the instructor, a student's challenge shall commence with the program dean. In such cases, the student must notify the assistant/associate dean and all rights and responsibilities otherwise assumed by the instructor will be assumed by the program dean.

If the instructor or the assistant/associate dean, acting in place of the instructor, agrees to change the grade on the basis of the appeal, the instructor or assistant/associate dean shall promptly send a Change of Grade form, with the appropriate documentation, to the Registrar. (See Grade Appeal Timeline)

Level II – Appeal to the Assistant/Associate Dean

If the instructor declines to change the grade, or has not met the deadline, the student may appeal to the program assistant/associate dean and the program assistant/associated dean will, within two weeks of receipt of the student's appeal, meet with the instructor and the student and attempt to mediate the appeal.

Where the program assistant/associate dean has attempted, but failed, to mediate the appeal within that two-week period, the program assistant/associate dean shall notify the student immediately and promptly send a written report regarding the mediation to the instructor and the student.

Level III – Grade Appeals Committee

If after the program dean's attempted mediation, the student remains dissatisfied with the instructor's decision, the student may, within two weeks of being notified of the failed mediation effort, submit the grade dispute to the Director of Student Affairs with copies to the program assistant/associate dean and instructor.

Conversely, where the program dean has not taken steps to mediate the appeal within the two-week period, or where the program assistant/associated dean has acted in place of the instructor and has declined to change the grade, the student may appeal directly to the Grade Appeal Committee.

The administration of the Grade Appeals Committee is facilitated by the Director of Student Affairs. The Grade Appeals Committee shall consist of:

  • The chairperson and nonvoting Director of Student Affairs or designee
  • One assistant/associate deans (not represented by the program appealing)
  • Two full time faculty members

In addition, other faculty and administration from different departments may be invited to participate in the proceedings as a guest and may be consulted on specific issues.

The Grade Appeals Committee shall meet as required to review grade appeals and will invite the instructor and student to the meeting. It shall consider any evidence which the student, the instructor, or the committee deems relevant. Should the student, instructor or Program Assistant/Associated Dean, no longer be employed by NYIT-Vancouver, is not available, or declines to meet with the committee, it may determine cases on the basis of the submitted written arguments and supporting documents alone. However, if the instructor or the student attends the meeting, no attorneys will be permitted to attend as representatives for either side.

The committee's investigation is confidential.

The Director of Student Affairs will issue the committee's determination in a written report to the student and instructor, and will provide copies to the chair and the associate dean. If the committee determines that the grade should be changed, a copy of that determination will be forwarded to the Office of Registrar to affect the grade change. The determination of the Grade Appeals Committee shall be final, binding, and unreviewable.

No grade may be changed by the central New York Registrar without the signatures of the instructor, the Assistant Dean and the Executive Director/Campus Dean. It should also mention: "Grade Appeal" on the change of grade form.

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Incomplete Courses

In cases where the grade has been changed to an "I", the student shall have one additional semester beyond the final decision of the Grade Appeals Committee in which to complete the work. The temporary grade of incomplete (I) shall change to a failing (IF) grade if the student does not complete all work by the end of the allotted time (see schedule in the catalog). Such an IF grade may not be challenged, and the course must be repeated by the student to receive credit. A passing grade will be changed to A or B upon the grade change. The (I) will be removed from the official transcript.

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Student Educational Records and Directory Information

New York Tech protects the privacy of educational records and provides students the opportunity to inspect and review their educational records and guidelines for the correction of inaccurate or misleading data through informal and formal hearings. In essence, the policy provides that all information in central administrative offices, and the registration office concerning a particular student shall be made available to the student upon reasonable notice of desire to review his or her records in accordance with applicable laws, regulations, and policies, and that no one other than duly authorized officials may have access to those records without student approval.

New York Tech designates the following categories of student information as public or directory information and may disclose or release the information without written consent. This does not mean that the institute will indiscriminately release such information concerning students. Release of such information will be restricted and will be considered on an individual basis by the appropriately designated administrative officer on each campus.

Students must inform the college if they do not want this information disclosed by filing a written request at the Office of the Registrar no later than three weeks after the student has enrolled in the current term:

  • Name;
  • Address (including email address);
  • Telephone number;
  • Dates of attendance;
  • Date/place of birth;
  • Degrees and awards received;
  • Participation in officially recognized activities and sports;
  • Major field of study; and most recent previous institution attended.

Student records will, at a minimum and as required by the Ministry of Post-Secondary Education and Future Skills, contain the following information:

  • Application information, including post-secondary transcripts, and results of any entrance examinations or assessments
  • Enrollment contracts
  • Financial records
  • Attendance records
  • Grade reports
  • Prior learning assessments
  • Student dispute, complaint or grade appeals
  • Dismissal information
  • New York Tech "Letter of Acceptance" and copy of student study permits (for international students).
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Personal Records

Students are responsible for updating and maintaining their personal information. The contact information provided by the student must include, but is not limited to, an accurate email address, mailing address and phone number. The students' personal information recorded on the application form upon time of application is stored through the Office of the Registrar.

Student Privacy

New York Institute of Technology Vancouver adheres to the BC Personal Information Protection Act (PIPA). The Registrar oversees the privacy, protection and confidentiality of student information. Student information is gathered and kept secure and confidential as it may pertain to but not limited to:

  • Health issues
  • Complaints
  • Grades
  • Contracts
  • Financial aid and status
  • Academic standing
  • Appeals and complaints
  • Admissions records
  • Other information pertaining to a student's file

The institute collects student personal information to:

  • Maintain student records as required by accrediting bodies and according to standard educational administrative practices
  • Inform students/graduates of activities of the school
  • Issue T2202As in accordance with the Canada Revenue Agency
  • Assist students in completion of their studies

Student personal information is not used for any other purpose, unless expressly permitted in writing by the student.

No information, including acknowledging a student's enrollment at the institute, will be released to any party without express consent given by the student, unless it falls under the following category.

Under PIPA, the institute may release information about a student/alumnus without consent, where:

  • The disclosure is clearly in the interests of the individual and consent cannot be obtained in a timely way
  • The disclosure is necessary for the medical treatment of the individual and the individual does not have the legal capacity to give consent
  • It is reasonable to expect that the disclosure with the consent of the individual would compromise an investigation or proceeding and the disclosure is reasonable for purposes related to an investigation or a proceeding
  • The disclosure is necessary to determine suitability to receive an honor, award or similar benefit, including an honorary degree, scholarship or bursary, or to be selected for an athletic or artistic purpose
  • The disclosure is necessary in order to collect a debt owed to the organization or for the organization to repay an individual money owed to them by the organization
  • The disclosure is for the purpose of complying with a subpoena, warrant or order issued or made by a court, person or body with jurisdiction to compel the production of personal information
  • The disclosure is to a public body or a law enforcement agency in Canada, concerning an offence under the laws of Canada or a province, to assist in an investigation, or in the making of a decision to undertake an investigation, to determine whether the offence has taken place, or to prepare for the laying of a charge or prosecution of the offence, there are reasonable grounds to believe that compelling circumstances exist that affect the health or safety of any individual and if notice of disclosure is mailed to the last known address of the individual to whom the personal information relates
  • The disclosure is for the purpose of contacting next of kin or a friend of an injured, ill, or deceased individual
  • The disclosure is to a lawyer who is representing the organization
  • The disclosure is to an archival institution if the collection of personal information is reasonable for research or archival purposes

An organization may disclose personal information to another organization without consent of the individual to whom the information relates, if:

  1. The individual consented to the collection of the personal information by the organization, and
  2. The personal information is disclosed to the other organization solely for the purposes for which the information was previously collected, and to assist the other organization to carry out work on behalf of the first organization.

For any instance not listed, the regulations of PIPA will be followed. Complaints that point to a potential violation of a student's privacy are investigated by the Registrar.

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Use, Disclosure, and Retention

NYIT-Vancouver will only use, disclose and retain personal information for the purpose of which it was collected unless the individual has otherwise consented, or when its use, disclosure or retention is required or permitted by law.

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Examination Procedures

The exam schedule is presented on the first day of class within the class syllabus. There is no set exam schedule; however, exams are typically held during regularly scheduled classroom time in the final week during the official exam period but this may change depending on the individual class syllabi and class projects. As exams are held during class time, students are expected to attend.

Faculty administer the exams and stay for the duration of the exam period. Students are to follow the exam requirements as outlined by the faculty at the beginning of the exam.

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Class Standing

Credit Limit

Please see the New York Tech Vancouver Credit Limit Policy.

Degrees with Distinction

A graduating student who has earned a cumulative GPA of 3.5 or better will graduate with distinction. Honors are recorded on both the student's permanent record and diploma. In addition, programs may offer awards to outstanding graduate students at commencement.

Early Warning

After each term, students who are not meeting the 3.0 GPA requirement are placed on probation or suspension and are notified by email. All students on probation must meet with the Director of Student Affairs or designee regarding their academic standing to set up an academic success plan.


Required courses in which a grade of F was received must be taken over again. In those cases where a student failed a course and has retaken and passed it, only the passing grade shall be used, but the F shall remain on the transcript as a matter of information. The only courses that may be repeated for credit are those that result in grades of C, D+, D, W, WF, F or PR, and IF. Students who receive reduced grades because of plagiarism must appeal through the Academic Integrity Policy procedures, not through the Grade Appeal Policy described in this document.

Time Limit for Graduate Students

In the best interests of the student and the college, a maximum of five years is allowed for completion of degree requirements. Under exceptional conditions, an additional year may be permitted upon formal request to the appropriate assistant dean and approval by the academic dean. International students are limited by their study visa status.

Maintenance of Academic study for Graduate Students

Students must have a graduate quality point average of 3.0 or better in order to graduate. Accordingly, those whose graduate academic record falls below 3.0 will be placed on academic probation and must raise the quality point average to 3.0 within two semesters, in order to return to full academic status. Students whose graduate academic record includes two or more C's not balanced by A's or includes any failures in coursework may be dropped from the program.

Graduation Criteria

Prior to the expected graduation date, graduate students must meet the following academic standards:

  • The satisfactory completion of a designated program of study for the degree, including thesis, project, comprehensives and other requirements. Students are responsible for ensuring that all degree requirements listed in the catalog in effect on the date of their matriculation are fulfilled. Errors on degree maps or advisement forms do not constitute a basis for waiving degree requirements.
  • A minimum cumulative quality point average of 3.0
  • Some majors have additional requirements. Students are responsible for meeting all academic standards for graduation.

Completed graduation applications must be filed with the registration office by the published deadline.

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Taking Courses at Other Colleges

No student will be permitted to take a course(s) at another college unless the following conditions are met:

  • Students must have a cumulative grade point average of 3.0 or higher.
  • Students must have a zero-account balance.
  • Students wishing to take courses at other colleges must obtain a permission to attend another college from the Office of Admissions. The form must be signed by the assistant dean and executive director/campus dean and returned to the Office of Admissions before the course is taken.
  • Upon completion of the course, students must request that an official transcript be sent to New York Tech's Office of the Registrar from the college at which the course was taken. Upon completing the course, students are responsible for furnishing the Registrar with official transcripts so that credit may be entered on their records. An official transcript must be received by New York Tech no later than one month after completing the course. A grade of C or better is required for credit.
  • Students on probation may not take courses at another college.
  • All educational institutions must be accredited.
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Determination of Academic Standing

At the conclusion of each term, two averages are computed for each student to indicate the general level of academic standing. The first is called the grade point average (GPA), which indicates the scholarship level for the quarter. The second is called the cumulative grade point average (CGPA), which indicates the scholarship level for all work taken at the institute. The GPA is computed by adding all the quality points associated with the grades earned for the quarter/term and then dividing by the number of credits for those courses. The CGPA, computed in a similar manner, represents all the quality points associated with the grades earned during all the terms the student has attended NYIT, divided by the number of credits for those courses.

Exception: For students who have changed majors, only quality points from the first-degree program that are applicable to the present degree program are included.

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Graduate Grading Scale

Students receive one of the following grades for each course taken during the quarter:


Letter GradeGrade Points

Required courses in which a grade of F was received must be taken over again. In those cases where a student failed a course and has retaken and passed it, only the passing grade shall be used, but the F shall remain on the transcript as a matter of information. The only courses which may be repeated for credit are those which result in the grades of C-, D+, D, W, WF, F or PR and IF. Students who have earned a C-, D+, D, W, F, WF, IF or PR in a course may retake the course for credit (one or more times) to earn a higher grade. Only the higher grade will be used in computing the GPA and CGPA. The other grade(s) will remain on the student's record as a matter of information.

Fall and spring semesters are 15 weeks long. The number of semester hours of credit earned for a course corresponds to the number of academic hours of instruction in a standard week. Two, or in some cases, three academic hours of laboratory or studio work in a standard week during a semester constitute one credit for most programs. Summer session classes are scheduled for an equivalent number of academic hours. Semester hours of credit are granted for the grades A, A-, B, B+, B-, C+, C, C-, D+, D or P.


The grade "I" (Incomplete) may be assigned if the student has not completed all coursework by the end of the term, but is passing the course, has missed a minimal number of assignments or examinations, has intentions of completing the course in a relatively short period of time, and if there is reasonable expectation to complete the course satisfactorily. "I" grades should be fully documented.

The temporary incomplete "I" grade, given by the instructor after consultation with the appropriate dean, is used when a student, because of some unavoidable circumstance, has been unable to complete all assigned work for the course. The instructor must certify that the student's work is passing at this point, and the student agrees to complete the missing assignments. When the work is completed, the instructor will forward the replacement grade to the registrar. Work must be completed in the term following when the "I" grade is given. The mark will be submitted to the registrar with the letter mark plus an "I" noting that it was work completed after final grades.

The temporary grade of "I" shall change to a failing grade, IF (Incomplete Failing), if the student does not complete all work by the end of the allotted time (see academic calendar for dates). Such an "IF" grade may not be challenged, and the course must be repeated by the student to receive credit. An "I" will precede any grade given after completion of the course.

The instructor has the right to refuse the request and may assign a final grade based solely on the work already completed. The following policies shall guide the awarding and calculation of the I grade and the change of the I grade to an IF grade:

  • The student must request additional time to complete a single project, report or final examination
  • The grade of incomplete is to be assigned only to students who are otherwise passing the course at the end of the term
  • The instructor has the right to refuse the request and may assign a final grade based solely on the work already completed
  • The grade of incomplete will change to the failing grade if the outstanding coursework is not completed in accordance with the schedule in effect at the time it was assigned, regardless of the average the student otherwise maintained in the class (the schedule is found below)
  • A single, short extension of the time period shall be granted only in exceptional circumstances by the dean
  • The grade of incomplete will not be assigned to students with excessive absences, especially when those absences include the final sessions of the course, unless extenuating circumstances have been established
  • The incomplete grade is recorded by the Registrar as "attempted credits," until the course is complete
  • The incomplete grade that changes to a failing grade will carry zero quality points
  • Students can advance if an incomplete grade is assigned to a prerequisite course for the term immediately following the assignment of an I grade but cannot advance after an I grade changes to an IF
  • When the grade of incomplete is changed to an IF, the I grade shall remain on the record and the transcript so that it will read IF, thereby distinguishing it from the F and the WF grades
  • I grades may have an effect on the student's visa or other status. Students are encouraged to meet with their advisor prior to requesting the I option.
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Student Intellectual Property Policy

NYIT-Vancouver has policies surrounding ownership of student's coursework while attending NYIT-Vancouver. Please refer to the section on Copyrights; Material Created by Students.

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Attendance, Leave of Absence, and Withdrawal

Attendance Overview

Students are required to attend at least 85% of the classes, otherwise they will receive - F grade in the course in which they exceeded that level. The faculty member's policy on attendance must be clearly described in the course syllabus and noted verbally in class at the first-class meeting. Clear criteria for excused absences must be provided. Attendance policies must be applied consistently to all students in the class.

Students' attendance can significantly affect their financial aid and tuition obligations, and thereby their own and NYIT's financial resources. Class attendance is entered into the system by faculty.

Attendance in Grading and Excused Absence

Students are expected to attend each class session on a regular and punctual basis to obtain the educational benefits that each meeting affords. Students shall be informed by their instructors whether latenesses or absences will be allowed during the semester. Instructors shall inform students of the consequences following excessive absences and/or latenesses. In the event of a student's absence from a test, the instructor will generally determine whether the student will be allowed to make up the work. The privilege of taking a makeup examination is generally not extended beyond one semester from the original date of examination. Make-up examinations are under the jurisdiction of the appropriate academic dean.

Withdrawal from a Course

The decision to withdraw from a course is a serious matter and should be made by the student only after consulting with the course instructor and program dean. Students withdrawing from a course are not entitled to a refund of tuition. Students may withdraw from any course within the first eight weeks of the semester (or within 8 meetings of classes) and receive the grade of W (Withdrawal). Please refer to the refund policy.

After the first eight weeks of the semester (or after the 8th meeting of cycle classes) students may withdraw with the transcript notation of W only if they are passing at the time and receive the instructor's permission. After the 8th week or equivalent, if the student is failing the course a grade of WF will be assigned.

Official Withdrawal from courses requires the submission of the withdrawal form to the registrar with both the student's and the instructor's signature. Faculty may indicate that the student is not passing the course when the student requests a withdrawal after the 8th week or equivalent. Furthermore, the instructor may assign a WF on the final grade roster if a student has stopped attending the course, but may not assign the W. The grade of F is appropriate when a student had been regularly attending classes, but did not pass the course. Withdrawal forms are available in departmental offices and once completed must be filed with the Registrar.

Withdrawal from the Institute

Students who wish to withdraw from the institute may initiate an official withdrawal by contacting the registration office and obtaining a Withdrawal from the Institute form. Depending on the circumstances, the student's withdrawal date will be recorded as the date the student began the withdrawal process or the date the student notified the institute of their intent to withdraw. Tuition refunds, if any, will be based on the withdrawal date. If a student withdraws with a balance due on their account, no transcript, information or employment references will be furnished until the account is cleared.

International students who choose to withdraw from the institute may have implications on their student study visa and should seek the advice of an immigration consultant.

Leave of Absence (LOA)

From time to time, students may have circumstances that require them to interrupt their enrollment and take a Leave of Absence (LOA) of up to one academic year. Please note that international students are bound by their student study visa that has specific requirements surrounding leaves and breaks from school. Students cannot take a break that will exceed 150 days and should not take a leave longer than one term. A longer leave will render your study visa invalid and you will need to return to your home country.

In order to qualify for a LOA a student:

  • Must not have an academic standing of suspension
  • Must have satisfied all financial obligations to New York Tech

**Note in order for a student to qualify for a LOA, they will be expected to be up to date with all coursework.

Students considering a leave of absence must complete the Leave of Absence Form and schedule an appointment with their associate dean to discuss the implications of taking a leave.

A leave of absence must be requested before the date on which the leave will start. Retroactive leaves will only be approved in highly exceptional cases

An approved LOA entitles the student to re-enroll in the program during a predetermined term the following academic year. This does not guarantee re-enrollment in the exact courses taken at the time of the LOA.

Medical Leave of Absence (MLOA)

MLOA follows the same guidelines as outline for LOA with the following inclusions:

  • In addition to the New York Tech Leave of Absence form, students must provide approved medical documentation from a physician indicating the necessity of granting the leave, when the leave commences and estimated date of return.

Requesting a leave

Students requesting a Leave of Absence (LOA) or a Medical Leave of Absence (MLOA) must submit a NYIT Leave of Absence form and any supporting documentation to the program dean, Director of Student Affairs and the Registrar prior to the beginning of the leave period.

Upon receipt of the appropriate documentation, the request will be reviewed. Should the leave be approved, conditions of the leave will be outlined in a response letter to the student.

Conditions of Approved Leaves

Students on an approved leave may not participate in school events, clubs, or committees; or borrow books from the library for the duration of the leave period. Students are authorized to access the counseling services during the approved leave period.

Students who are on a leave of absence cannot participate in any academic activities, including practicums or internships. Students can continue to use the assigned email account and access my.NYIT.

Involuntary Leave of Absence

The institute is committed to maintaining a safe, healthy and productive learning environment and preserving the safety, security and well-being of students and all other members of the institute. The institute reserves the right to request or require the student to take leave from the institute according to the terms outlined here.

A student may be restricted from campus or subjected to an involuntary leave of absence (ILOA) should the student engage in disruptive or dangerous behavior that is sufficiently concerning such that their continued presence at school poses a significant risk of substantial harm to themselves or others or is creating a substantial disruption to the educational environment. In this event, the Director of Student Affairs (or designee) may initiate the ILOA process as set forth below. In the event that the behavior constitutes a potential violation of the Student Code of Conduct, then the discipline procedures set forth in Appendix A will be followed.

The significant risks may include, but are not limited to, acute danger/loss of life, inability to independently manage daily tasks, inability to cooperate with necessary support services, etc. For the purposes of the ILOA process, disruptive means any action that constitutes interference in the normal flow or sequence of a process, system or event. A significant risk is based upon an individualized assessment and constitutes a high probability of substantial harm that cannot be mitigated by reasonable means.

Where possible, the institute will work with the student to enable their continuance or will facilitate a voluntary separation from the institute. However, if the student does not take a voluntary leave, the Involuntary Leave of Absence process may commence.

The Director of Student Affairs will notify the student that an involuntary leave of absence is being considered or required, giving reasons for the decision.

The Director of Student Affairs will inform the student of support services that are available to them during the process.

The Director of Student Affairs will conduct an assessment of the concerning behavior, including any relevant information provided by the student. If it is determined that an ILOA is warranted, the student will receive a Letter of Notification.

Students placed on ILOA will earn a grade of "W" for enrolled courses at the time the leave is instituted. Please refer to section 6.6 for involuntary leave procedure.

The Registrar will advise affected academic departments, determine whether a tuition refund is appropriate, and place a Registration Hold on the student's account.

Returning After an Involuntary Leave of Absence

Requirements, deadlines and specific documentation relevant to the process for re-enrollment after an Involuntary Leave will be outlined in the Letter of Notification. Should the student meet all requirements as outlined in their letter they will be allowed to return to the program on the specified date.

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Tuition and Fees

The Office of the Bursar handles all financial transactions with the school and collects all payments.

Tuition payment procedures

Tuition and fees are payable in full in accordance with the specified due dates published in the Academic Catalog and posted on the New York Tech website. The privileges of the institute are not available to the student until registration has been completed and tuition and fees paid. Students will not be permitted to attend classes unless payment in full is made by the due date as students are not officially registered until all tuition and fees are satisfied. Information regarding the payment plans is available at the Office of the Bursar.

All deferments of tuition and fees must be approved by the Office of the Bursar. Students are encouraged to contact the Bursar prior to the start of each term to ensure that their account is in order. By verifying that their account is in order, students can avoid late payment fees. Payments can be made in person at the Office of the Bursar or via mail.

View NYIT-Vancouver tuition and fees

Payment Options

All payments are done electronically through two payment providers.

Refund Policies

Please review all refund policies under the Vancouver Bursar webpage. if you have any questions regarding refunds, please contact

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Student Activities

Student Affairs

Pre-Arrival Event

The NYIT-Vancouver Pre-arrival program is intended to help students who were recently admitted follow the next steps to becoming a full enrolled student, and to prepare for their trip to Vancouver and Canada. It allows students to learn more about course registration, housing and banking in Canada, and the resources available to them from their Student Services team as they embark on their graduate program. This event occurs roughly one-month prior to New Student Orientation.

New Student Orientation

New Student Orientation is usually scheduled a week before the start of each academic term and helps new and transfer students become acquainted with life at New York Institute of Technology, Vancouver, and Canada. New Student Orientation is a mandatory event that provides students with the opportunity to become oriented and familiar with the campus and their peers; meet with essential faculty, staff and administrators; and learn the rights, responsibilities and expectations of being a student at New York Tech. Students will have the opportunity to get to know the campus resources and it is New York Tech's official welcome to the community. Most importantly, New Student Orientation provides an avenue for students to meet their classmates and NYIT-Vancouver peers.

Student Activities

A student's institute experience doesn't't stop at the classroom door. We aim to provide social, cultural, and wellness-based activities to give students the best possible experience at New York Tech. Every semester, we offer unique events and activities that take you both on and off-campus. These events provide the opportunity to lead balanced lives and make new friends who share similar interests.

Contact the Student Life team at:
Open: 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.

Student Clubs and Associations

Student clubs and organizations are an extension of academic life at New York Tech, and involvement in any campus activity is a definite plus for success. New York Tech recognizes the value of student participation in academic, social, cultural, and athletic/sports clubs and organizations and encourages the organization of clubs and other shared-interest groups. Students who cannot find an existing club of interest should consider starting their own. To do so, they need only identify a small group of students who share a common interest.

NYIT-Vancouver welcomes students to create new and exciting clubs to serve the student body. These clubs are intended to bring together students with like-minded interests, values, and backgrounds to foster understanding and community. Student clubs are a space for our students to become leaders among their peers, and to impact the NYIT-Vancouver landscape. A student club is an organization created by New York Tech students to align students with similar interests, backgrounds etc. An official New York Tech student club is one that has gone through the process of creating a student club with the Office of Student Affairs.

To be eligible for a New York Tech budget, clubs, and organizations must complete a club registration each year and be approved by the Director of Student Affairs and the Student Engagement Coordinator. All recognized student clubs and organizations are expected to abide by all New York Tech policies and procedures. More information can be found in the NYIT-Vancouver Clubs Policies and Procedures Handbook or through the Student Affairs.

Club Leadership Agreement

The ____________ club is an approved club for the year _________, and has read, and agrees to follow the New York Institute of Technology Vancouver club – requirements specifically, those listed below:

  • This club agrees and understands that if they violate any rules of the New York Institute of Technology Vancouver Club Policies and Procedures or the New York Institute of Technology Student Code of Conduct, they may be subject to probation and disbandment.
  • Any amendments to the rules and/or guidelines in which the New York Institute of Technology Vancouver clubs operate under, shall be considered valid under the New York Institute of Technology Vancouver Policies and Procedures.
  • We agree not to enter into any contractual relationship unless it is authorized by the New York Institute of Technology Vancouver and are liable for all unauthorized debts incurred by the club.
  • Once this club has a change in leadership, we will inform the Student Engagement Coordinator immediately.

Graduate Student Association

The Graduate Student Association (GSA) represents New York Tech Vancouver students and provides a forum for your voice when dealing with faculty members and administration. The GSA attend weekly meetings with the Director of Student Affairs and the Student Engagement Coordinator.


  • Support and advise on student activities
  • Nurture student engagement
  • Identify and address student concerns

The Graduate Student Association is elected by the student body each year towards the end of the Spring term (May). Each elected representative holds their position for 1 year.


Community Service

The Department of Student Affairs engages in community services activities throughout the academic year, and encourages students to bring forward any community engagement projects or events they would like to participate in. In collaboration with the New York-based campuses, New York Tech Vancouver proposes projects to the annual Community Engagement Day initiative, and promotes these activities on GivePulse, the Service Learning website that the New York Institute of Technology uses to circulate and track community engagement on each of its campuses.

For further information on Community Service Initiatives, please contact the Student Engagement Coordinator at

Professional relationships (faculty/staff/students)

Relationships with Other Employees and Students

New York Tech has policies restricting or prohibiting relationships between a faculty member and a student or someone who is subject to the faculty member's supervision or evaluation. Such relationships can compromise the ability to perform duties free of bias and may create the potential for harassment or other conflict of interest. See the Vancouver Employee Handbook for further information.

Alcohol and Drug Prevention Policy

New York Institute of Technology (NYIT-Vancouver), as part of its mission to provide career-oriented professional education to its students, recognizes the importance of providing an environment that is conducive to learning and free of substance abuse.

New York Tech prohibits the sale, distribution, consumption, possession, and use of all illegal substances on campus and at NYIT-sponsored student events off campus. Violations of this policy have serious consequences and may include expulsion from NYIT-Vancouver.

All students must note that New York Tech maintains a drug-free and illegal substance-free workplace in keeping with the spirit and intent of the cultural sensitivity of the host country. The use of illegal substances is inconsistent with the behavior expected of students on New York Tech campuses. In this regard, New York Tech prohibits the unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensing, possession, sale, or use of an illegal substance on campus.

"Illegal substances" are all substances prohibited by law. Use of exceptionally controlled substances is lawful when authorized by a duly administered medical prescription with the visa of the local Ministry of Health.

Smoking Policy

Smoking is prohibited in all campus buildings. Smoking is permitted in designated outdoor areas.

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Student Support and Accessibility Services

New York Institute of Technology values diversity and inclusion, and is committed to offering equal opportunities for educational participation and success to all qualified students. All students are expected to meet the core competencies of the program and possess the cognitive, communication, sensory, motor and social skills necessary to succeed.

Students who are seeking academic accommodations must meet with the Director of Student Affairs or designate to discuss the specific accommodations required.

Certain disabilities have specific documentation requirements:

  • Hearing disability: audiologist
  • Brain injury, concussion: neuropsychologist
  • Visual disability: ophthalmologist
  • Deaf or blind: doctor's letter
  • Learning disability: psycho-educational assessment

Required Documentation

A student with a disability must self-identify and provide the Director of Student Affairs with appropriate documentation from a specialist in the area of the existing disability, e.g. Psychiatrist, Neurologist, Audiologist, etc.

Documentation of a disability consists of an evaluation by a professional with specific training, expertise and experience in the area of the disability. The documentation will include a formal diagnosis, and outline the nature and extent of disability. The documentation must:

  • Be dated and printed on official letterhead. It should include the medical practitioner's name, title, phone/fax, mailing and email addresses, and signature.
  • Include a diagnostic statement of the disability/medical condition. A diagnosis alone, however, is not sufficient to support a request for services. The documentation should describe the nature of the disability/medical condition and include an explanation of the current impact of (or functional limitations imposed by) the condition.
  • Explain the functional impact/limitations of the disability in a post-secondary environment.
  • Indicate if the individual has a permanent or ongoing disability.
  • Indicate the expected duration, stability or progression of the condition, and a description of the timeline for rehabilitation and recovery if the diagnosis is of a temporary nature.
  • Indicate the devices or services currently used to minimize the impact of the condition.
  • Include relevant test results.
  • An identification of side effects of any medications and/or treatment that may adversely affect learning and academic performance.
  • Explain the functional impact/limitations of the disability in a post-secondary environment.
  • Indicate the individual has a permanent or ongoing disability.
  • In exceptional circumstances, a student may be offered provisional accommodations up to one semester pending submission of complete documentation. Interim accommodation requests will be reviewed for approval by the Director of Student Affairs on a case-by-case basis.
Format of Documentation

The document should be dated and printed on official letterhead. It should include the medical practitioner's name, title, phone/fax, mailing and email addresses, and signature. Documentation will be reviewed for approval by the Director of Student Affairs on a case-by-case basis.

Age of Documentation

Documentation must be current. For new students who have a stable or chronic condition, usually no more than three to five years must have elapsed between the time of assessment and the date on which accommodations are requested. For returning students whose condition has remained stable since submission of the original supporting documentation no further documentation will be required.

Cost of Documentation

In all cases it is the student's responsibility to cover the costs associated with providing documentation of disability to The Director of Student Affairs.

Examples of Academic of Accommodations
  • Sign language interpreters
  • Note takers or scribes
  • Tape recorders
  • Test taking accommodations, such as:
    • Exams in alternative formats (e.g., giving a written exam orally, or changing the way answers are recorded)
    • Extending the time allowed
    • Permitting use of a dictionary or spell checker (unless test is designed to measure spelling ability)
    • Providing quiet room for test taking in order to decrease auditory or visual distractions
    • Repeating instructions
  • Assistive listening devices
  • Removal of architectural barriers providing quiet room for test taking in order to decrease auditory or visual distractions
  • Installing better lighting in classrooms to assist students with low vision
  • Written materials in alternative formats such as large print, braille, computer diskette, or audiotape readers
  • Special classroom seating
  • Note-taking assistance
  • Recording of lectures
  • Pre-recorded texts or, when these are not available, readers
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You'll have several options to make your own accommodations while studying at NYIT-Vancouver. Below is a list of our housing partners:

Global Education City Student Residence

GEC is the largest off-campus student residence in Vancouver, combining great value, desirable locations, and the very best in amenities to enhance your academic journey. GEC redefines your traditional student housing by offering fully furnished and move-in ready shared and private apartments, all-inclusive amenities, an on-site management team, and flexible monthly rates with an easy booking process.

GEC Viva (5 mins to New York Tech Vancouver campus by bus, or 15 mins by walk)
1311 Howe St., Vancouver, BC V6Z 2P3

Phone: 604.669.6686
Virtual tour:

Canada Homestay Network

Canada Homestay Network, the leading homestay program management firm in Canada, arranges a personalized match between you and your Canadian host, based on your backgrounds, interests, lifestyles, and educational goals.

Once you have completed your first semester, you are welcome to stay in other forms of accommodations, including private rentals.

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Health Benefits

Student Health and Wellness

The Director of Student Affairs is responsible for delivering special programs, workshops and time-limited groups on topics such as test anxiety, interpersonal skill building, time management, relationships, health issues, study skills, and other concerns. When specialized assistance is needed, referrals are made to hospitals, clinics, and other providers. Contact the Director of Student Affairs to make an appointment and additional information about these services.

Health Benefits

All students are required to have medical insurance to study in Canada and at NYIT-Vancouver. Without the proper coverage, medical costs can be very expensive.

All students are required to have medical insurance to study in Canada.


All international students are automatically enrolled in temporary health insurance with ( once they arrive in Canada. The fee is embedded in their first term tuition fee rate. The health insurance is active for 123 days. is a temporary health insurance until students receive BC Provincial Medical Services Plan (MSP) coverage (see below). Students can only apply for MSP once you arrive in British Columbia, and can take up to three months to process.

Other temporary health insurance coverage cannot be substituted for this health insurance plan. Students will receive your coverage card at New Student Orientation, but have access to this health insurance before New Student Orientation. Depending on the start of their studies, your coverage will be as follows:

Fall Term: August 1 to November 30
Spring Term: January 1 to April 30
Summer Term: May 1 to August 31

If you have been living in British Columbia and are already enrolled in the Medical Services Plan, you can opt out of the temporary health insurance.

Coverage is comprehensive health insurance with a range of coverage.

Coverage details can be found under "Policy Documents."

If students have dependents that will be joining them in Vancouver (such as a spouse or child), they are able to purchase additional coverage for them directly with

B.C. Medical Services Plan

The BC Provincial Medical Services Plan (MSP) coverage is a health care plan administered by the government. It is mandatory for you to enroll in MSP.

If you are new to Canada, apply for MSP as soon as you arrive. Your coverage may start three months after your arrival date in British Columbia.

It is easiest to apply online for MSP. To apply, you will have to answer some questions and upload a copy of your study permit.

Counseling services

NYIT-Vancouver is partnered with Empower Me to provide free and professional counseling sessions. Even during these times of social distancing, Empower me is offering online, confidential counseling sessions over zoom.

We understand these can be uncertain and stressful times, so please do not hesitate to reach out to Empower me, our faculty, or staff to have a chat. We're all in this together.

This is a free service for all NYIT-Vancouver students.

CALL: 1.833.628.5589
Empower Me FAQ's


All Post-secondary students in the province of BC have access to free counseling services through the new HERE2TALK program. You can access this service through the Here2Talk app or online.

CALL: 1.877.857.3397

Crisis Lines

  • Greater Vancouver 604.872.3311 (24/7)
  • 1.800.SUICIDE (784.2433)
  • Victim Support Services: 1.800.563.0808 / (
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Career Services

As a bridge between the institute and employers, we prepare NYIT-Vancouver students and alumni for the world of work by offering:

  • Personal career advising.
  • Training in resume-writing and interview skills.
  • Industry-specific workshops and panel presentations.
  • Career-oriented field trips to companies.
  • Networking events for students, alumni, and industry professionals.
  • Access to CareerShift, an online career hub for finding jobs, researching companies, and exploring the job market.
  • Active employer databases for career service outreach.

All the career services opportunities and services offered by New York Tech's main Office of Career Services.

Unlike other universities, New York Tech offers these valuable career services to you for life. View your other alumni benefits.

Contact Us
If you have any further questions or need any assistance, please contact Vancouver Career Services at

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International Students

New York Institute of Technology - Vancouver is unable to advise students on immigration topics, matters or situations. All information provided in this section is taken directly from the Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) website, and students are encouraged to continually check the IRCC site for updated information.

Student Visa/Study Permits

To study in Canada, you will need to apply for a Study Permit directly with the Canadian Government. You may be eligible to apply for the Student Direct Stream which will allow you to get your Study Permit faster.

Please review the study permit process and prepare all of the required documents. You can use the Letter of Acceptance (LOA) package sent to you once you submit your deposit in this process.

If your visa is denied, you can request to defer your admissions to the next term by emailing OR you may request a refund by emailing Note that a maximum of two deferrals will be allowed.

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Working in Canada as an International Student

Study Permits and Authorization to Work

While most foreign nationals wanting to work in Canada would require a work permit, international students who hold a valid study permit and remain enrolled full-time may be authorized to work during their studies without needing to have a work permit. To review the eligibility requirements check the IRCC – authorization to work to learn more.

Working as a Co-op Student/Internships

Some study programs include work experience as part of their curriculum. For information pertaining to applying for your study permit see IRCC – Work as a co-op student or intern to learn if you may be eligible.

Social Insurance Number (SIN)

A SIN is a 9-digit number that the Government of Canada gives you. You need one to work in Canada. To apply for a SIN to work off campus, you must have one of these conditions printed on your study permit:

  • May work 20 hours per week off campus or full-time during regular breaks if meeting criteria outlined in paragraph 186(v) of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations.
  • May accept employment on or off campus if meeting eligibility criteria, per paragraph R186(f), (v) or (w) and must cease working if no longer meeting these criteria.

Find out more about Social Insurance Numbers.

On-Campus employment (as a student)

You can only start working in Canada when you start your study program. You can't work before your studies begin. You can work as an international student in Canada if your study permit lists a condition that says you're allowed to work on- or off-campus. You can read more on the IRCC - Work on-campus site.

Responsibilities of International Students

Students with a Study Permit are responsible for learning, understanding, and complying with Canadian federal laws and regulations governing the Study Permit. Failure to do so will violate your legal status in Canada and may result in serious consequences.

Your responsibilities include the following:

  • Keep your passport valid at all times. You must have a valid passport in your possession. For information on renewing your passport, visit the Web site of your country's embassy or consulate in Canada.
  • Report any address or name changes to the Office of the Registrar. It is important to keep your records up to date with the institute. This will help ensure your safety in the event of an emergency, and to properly distribute official documentation.
  • Report changes in concentration and/or degree program. A change in concentration and/or degree program is known as a change in program. Examples include switching from a Master's in Business Administration (M.B.A.) degree program to a Master's in Energy Management degree program, or switching from the M.B.A., Finance concentration to the general M.B.A.
  • Make sure your Study Permit or your Temporary Resident Visa (TRV) does not expire. You must apply for an extension before your Study Permit or TRV expires if you intend to stay at New York Tech and cannot complete your program by the form expiration date.
  • Report your departure date and the reason for leaving New York Tech to the Office of Student Affairs and the Office of the Registrar. Periodically, students leave college early or unexpectedly due to a variety of reasons. Some of these reasons include early graduation, leave of absence, or termination of studies. As an international student, you are required by law to inform the Office of the Registrar if you plan to leave the institute before the expiration date on your study permit, as well as provide a reason for your early departure.
  • Plan ahead. There are hundreds of international students at NYIT and most of your requests will have to be processed through the New York Tech systems. As a result, these requests cannot be completed at the last moment. It is important to plan ahead, especially with time-sensitive requests. You should always allow adequate time and allow for unexpected delays. Remember that if certain deadlines are not met, you may be in violation of your Study Permit status.
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Library Services

E-Library and Open Access Computer Use

New York Institute of Technology provides on-campus access to a state-of-the-art E-Library and computer labs for homework and academic use. These computer labs are free to all students with an ID and a valid student account. Use of all technology is governed by the Acceptable Use Policy. Use of institute technology implies agreement to abide by this code. The E-Library is also available through your personal computer.

New York Tech has a large e-book collection (NetLibrary) that can be accessed through the Library Services section of New York Tech's website.

New York Tech has a PDF Finder Tool that is an easy-to-follow guide on how to find and access online journal articles and reports.

Students purchase the books and other materials at the beginning of each quarter. Note that all students are required to have their own copies of the books so they can work independently and keep up with all assigned readings and learning activities.

Copying texts is an infringement of the authors' intellectual property rights and copyright laws, and is not permitted. Some students find it cost-effective to purchase books used from students who have taken the same course previously. This is permitted as long as the book purchased is the same edition that will be used in class.

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Technology and Communication

Official Forms of Communication

New York Institute of Technology's official mode of communication with students is institute-issued emails and Canadian mail. Students are expected to check their New York Tech email accounts on a regular basis, and failure to check email is not considered an excuse for failing to respond to a communication, missing deadlines, or failing to complete required documents.

Student conduct notification and letters may be sent by institute email, hand delivery, Canada Post, DHL, Federal Express, etc. Regardless of the mode of communication, the student is deemed to have received the communication upon proper mailing, sending, delivery, or email of the communication to the student.

Cell Phone and Electronic Device Policy

Electronic devices with an audible ring or tone must be turned off or silenced during classes, lectures, school-related meetings or while in quiet study spaces.

Social Media and Webpage Guidelines

Social media is a valuable tool when used wisely. The very nature of this medium, however, can pose a risk because it offers instantaneous posting opportunities that allow little time for reflective thought. Use of social media carries the added burden that what is posted on the Internet is discoverable by law even when it is long deleted. Please refer to Social Media Guidelines for additional details.

For information on using the New York Tech logo or trademarks, please visit the Office of Strategic Communications.

Confidential Information

You may not share information that is confidential and/or proprietary about the department, college, and/or institute. This includes information about faculty, staff, students, affiliates and, of course, patients. If you have any question about whether information is appropriate, or you have doubts of any kind, please speak with the program chair before releasing information that could potentially harm the department, college, and/or institute.

Respect and Privacy Rights

Students are advised to use good judgment and take personal and professional responsibility for what they publish online. Students should communicate respectfully about the department, faculty, staff, other students, affiliate, and competitive programs. Please note that the use of derogatory statements, or misrepresentation, is not viewed favorably by the department, college, and/or institute and may result in disciplinary action. Students are further prohibited from posting false information regarding the department, faculty, staff, and other students.

You agree to respect the rights of the department, faculty, staff, students, and affiliates by seeking their permission before writing about or displaying internal department, college, and/or institute events and/or issues that might be considered a breach of confidentiality. At all times, you must follow all laws related to patient privacy.

Your Legal Liability Component

You are legally liable for anything you write or present online. Students can be disciplined by the department, college, and/or institute for comments or images that are defamatory, pornographic, proprietary, harassing, libelous, or that can create a hostile work environment. You can also be sued by faculty, staff, other students, and affiliates that view your commentary, content, or images as defamatory, pornographic, proprietary, harassing, libelous, or that can create a hostile work environment. Students subject to lawsuits for claims related to the foregoing will be solely responsible for all liabilities and defending the same.

Students violating this social media policy will be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including expulsion from the program.

Computer Requirements

All New York Tech programs require the use of computers and the Internet to complete course assignments and for research. Computer labs and workstations we have available to students. Each student will receive a systems account giving them access to the internet and other user services such as It is important to note that each account owner and workstation user is solely responsible for the usage incurred through her/his account/workstation. Anyone who intentionally abuses accounts and privileges, degrades system performance, misappropriates computer resources or interferes in any way with the operation of the computer facilities is subject to cancellation of privileges and disciplinary action. Students, other than those receiving approved accommodations for a disability, are prohibited from using electronic recording devices in the classroom without prior permission from the instructor. For further information please see the Code of Responsible Technology Usage.

Personal computer requirements vary by program, we recommend that students have devices with particular hardware specs. Please refer to your program outline for specific computer requirements for your program.

Personal Computers and Network Usage

New York Institute of Technology provides computing resources for the academic research and instructional purposes of its faculty, staff, and students. Computing resources include host computer systems, institute-sponsored computers, workstations, software, data sets and communication networks. Generally, computing systems and equipment are used carefully and appropriately. However, abuse of equipment or systems that causes disruption of users' productivity and the integrity of their data and programs may be subject to discipline or prosecution under institute policies and host country laws. For more information, please refer to Information Technology Services.

Academic Computing Code

The purpose of the Academic Computing Code is to define responsible computer usage, particularly for new users who may not be aware of the potential impact of their actions.

Computer Ethics Policy Statement

Computers, telecommunications and information in electronic form create a need for ethical models. Information owners, both individual and institutional, must make a conscious and explicit effort to state and enforce their expectations of ethical behavior. Information users have an obligation to recognize the information owner's rights in order to protect and preserve their own rights to use that information. Computer-based information, recognized as a primary educational and research asset, should be protected from unauthorized modification, destruction, disruption or disclosure—whether accidental or intentional.

Statement of Responsibilities

Institute Responsibilities: New York Tech assumes the responsibility to ensure the integrity of its computing systems, workstations and laboratory facilities. The academic computing systems offer file protection that can only be modified by an authorized user. Since no system is absolutely secure, however, usage will be monitored to ensure that irresponsible users cannot affect the performance and integrity of other accounts and other users' information.

User Responsibilities: Each account owner and workstation user are solely responsible for the usage incurred through their account/workstation. Individuals, who intentionally abuse accounts and privileges, degrade system performance, misappropriate computer resources or interfere in any way with the operation of the computer facilities are subject to penalties.

Standards for Computer Use

Access and use of academic computing systems and computer services is defined below. It applies equally to all users of institute-owned and operated information systems and equipment.

  • Any access prohibited by law is unauthorized.
  • Any access or use in support of activities that are prohibited by law is unauthorized.
  • Any use of subsidized accounts that is not specifically authorized by institutional policy is unauthorized. Individuals who willfully cause loss to authorized account holders by unauthorized access or use shall be held financially responsible for the cost of restoring that user's data, programs and account balance. Violators who are members of the institute community will be subject to disciplinary action under regulations applying to their respective status within the institute.
  • All violators will be subject to prosecution under laws that apply.
Open Computing Laboratory Access and Use Policies

Many of the campus computing laboratories are open to the college community. The host computer systems and some of the laboratory workstations require that all users have an appropriate computer account. Account holders are issued a unique account ID and password that are needed to access those computer systems or workstations. Access to computer laboratory facilities by any individual may be restricted or denied for, but not limited to, the following reasons:

  • Unauthorized use of account ID and/or password, including but not limited to ineligibility (account holders must be affiliated with the institute)
  • Unauthorized changes to laboratory hardware or software, including but not limited to:
    • Disconnecting/reconnecting or reconfiguring hardware;
    • Removing, changing or reconfiguring files on laboratory disks;
    • Damaging laboratory hardware or software or removing any laboratory hardware from the premises;
  • Failure to observe laboratory policies, procedures and protocol, including but not limited to:
    • Refusing to leave the laboratory promptly at closing time;
    • Refusing to respond to or responding inappropriately to requests made by laboratory staff (e.g., a request to move to another machine, to limit output pages to the printer, etc.) in the normal course of carrying out their job responsibilities;
    • Using threatening or abusive language or behavior directed at anyone in the laboratory facility;
  • Attempts to bypass security measures, such as access permissions to files, or obtaining permissions or account attributes with or without authorization.

Computer Abuse

The following are examples of computer abuse (This list is illustrative and not meant to be all-inclusive):

  • Frivolous, disturbing or otherwise inconsiderate conduct including extensive use of workstations for game playing, sending nuisance messages, wasteful or unauthorized use of supported facilities, or disturbing or allowing access to programs that erase or alter files surreptitiously
  • Use of a computer account to perform computing services for unauthorized commercial purposes, either inside or outside of the institute
  • Possession, in a workspace or file, or use of programs capable of fraudulently simulating system responses; modification of or possession of systems control information, especially that which reflects program state, status or accounting; attempts to modify or crash the system
  • Unauthorized use of a password or account ID; unauthorized access to another person's files; using or changing, without authorization, another person's password
  • Any violation of the New York Tech Student Code of Conduct that involves computer resources

Violations of this code, including the above list, may lead to any of the following disciplinary measures:

  • Termination of a program or online session—the system manager may log off an irresponsible user at a workstation; similarly, a harmful job running under the operating system may be canceled without notice
  • Invalidation of an account ID or account number
  • Reduction of allocations or restrictions of account privileges
  • Disciplinary action by ACL or OIT administrators, supervisors or laboratory managers

Serious incidents may be referred to the Discipline Review Board.

VISITORS: Follow these steps to connect to the network as a guest.


Students, faculty, staff, and guests may have up to five devices registered to their WiFi profile. Devices will be deleted from your profile if they do not appear on the institute network after 60 days. If you would like to remove a device, just email about the device you would like removed.

Email Accounts

New York Tech provides each student with a computer account and email access shortly after admission to the institute. Your user name and password will permit you to log on and use the specialized computers and software applications in classroom labs. Your email will also be used to communicate with you about your education, including dates for registration, information about your status, and information about upcoming events. Once you have your New York Tech email account, please check for messages several times each week. It is essential that every student access their New York Tech email account, as doing so is the first step to accessing other electronic services at NYIT-Vancouver, including my.NYIT and the E-library.


New York Tech's Student Service HUB is a full-service web-based student service portal. It permits students to check grades, schedules, review degree maps, and more. As online services are being added, you will be notified, and information about how to access the services will be provided.

Information Technology Services

The name ITS says it all. We are the one-stop shop for students, faculty and staff to get technical and facilities support. Call (778.783.5933) or email ( with questions and requests for assistance. If we don't have the answer, we'll find out who does, and connect you with one of these departments:

Contact Us
778.783.5933 OR

Bulletin boards

There are several bulletin boards located across all New York Tech Vancouver campuses. Student Clubs and organizations are encouraged to use the bulletin boards to advertise events, raise awareness or spread information. Poster or flyer placed on bulletin boards must meet the following criteria:

  • It must have the title, date, location, time and organization name
  • The flyer must have the New York Tech Vancouver logo
  • Flyers can be posted in approved locations only

Individual students looking to use the bulletin boards should contact the Student Life Team at

Any unauthorized, offensive or inappropriate posters on bulletin boards will be removed immediately, and the student(s) responsible for the poster will be subject to punishment.

The institute reserves the right to refuse requests for postings of information by non-New York Tech organizations, private individuals, groups, etc.

Posting is not permitted on windows, doors, glass, trees or painted walls. Materials posted in these areas will be removed and discarded. Student clubs and organizations that post flyers inappropriately are subject to the possible suspension of their privileges and/or fines.

If a flyer is written in a language other than English, the flyer must include an English translation. There will be no postings of alcohol-related or drug-related events, obscenities, slanderous material, or material containing racist or sexist statements. This would include, but not be limited to, advertisements that show/promote nudity, violence, racism, sexism, alcohol, drugs, firearms or other items deemed inappropriate. Profanity or vulgarity is not permitted on advertisements.

New York Institute of Technology is a private institute and not a public forum, and reserves the right to limit and/or exclude such postings.

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Facilities and Operations

Campus and Administration Hours of Operation

NYIT-Vancouver administration includes the Offices of Admissions, Recruitment and Marketing, Bursar, Registrar, and the Department of Student Affairs.

These offices and departments are operational from Monday to Friday, 9 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.

Both the Broadway Tech Campus and Downtown Campus are open by access card past 4:30 p.m. for students, staff, and faculty. The class hours for these campuses are Monday to Saturday, 9 a.m. – 9 p.m.

View the Vancouver campus academic calendar for information on important dates and events.

Holidays and Religious Observance

The schedule of classes and the NYIT-Vancouver academic calendar are arranged to accommodate national holidays in Canada, such as all official holidays.

The schedule of classes and holidays at the New York campuses can be found on the Office of the Registrar calendar.

Emergency Closures

In the event of severe weather or a large-scale emergency situation, New York Tech may need to cancel classes, close the campuses, or delay the day's opening. Please be sure to sign up for NYIT Alerts to receive text and/or voice alerts on your mobile device. To receive alerts, you must respond to confirm that you accept receiving these alerts. Without responding you will not continue to receive alerts.

In addition, there are several resources where you can find more information:

Student ID cards

A photo ID card must be obtained from the administrative team during orientation. The ID card must be carried at all times while on campus and must be presented on demand to any institute official. The first ID card fee is included in the student's tuition fee, but there is a $25 fee for a replacement card.

Soft copies of a student's ID can also be prepared upon request. Please request a soft copy through

Student Access Cards

Student building access cards are necessary for the Broadway Tech Campus in general, and for evening classes at the Downtown Campus.

Student Study Space

Students study space is available on both the Downtown and Broadway Tech Campuses. There are specific cubicles at the Downtown campus, as well as the computer lab at both the Downtown and Broadway Tech Campuses. These areas are open for use during class hours (9 a.m. – 9 p.m., Monday through Saturday).

Bicycle Storage

Students can lock up their bikes at the bike racks outside the Broadway Tech Campus buildings or on the street bike racks outside the Downtown Campus.


Parking at our Downtown and Broadway Tech Campuses are hosted by the property managers, and not by NYIT-Vancouver.

The Broadway Tech Centre parking is managed by Reef Parking. Monthly parking is limited, and located underneath the Virtual Way buildings. Students looking to park at the Broadway Tech Centre can call 604.909.3787 and provide the location number 9078 to purchase a monthly parking stall.

The Downtown Campus parking is managed by Cadillac Fairview. To arrange for parking accommodations, students should contact CF CONNECT at .800.665.1000 or via email at

Public Transportation

Translink is the company that runs Vancouver's public bus, trains and seabus transit system in the Metro Vancouver area. To use translink, you will need a compass card, which is a reloadable fare card that you can tap upon entry of a bus, train or seabus. You can choose which fare to upload (day pass, monthly pass, or pay by use), and can be reloaded online or at any skytrain station.

You can purchase a compass card online or in-person.

Campus Lockers


New York Institute of Technology makes lockers available to students to facilitate the daily storage of their learning materials and items related to their studies. The Business Administration Manager manages lockers to ensure responsible use of property and for the health and safety of individuals.

General Policies and Procedures

All lockers located at Downtown Campus and Suite 150 at the Broadway Tech Centre campus are property of New York Institute of Technology and are subject to applicable policies. New York Tech reserves the right to alter the policies governing the use of lockers with appropriate notice.

Locker rentals can be reserved for the full academic year or per semester. There is a $10 deposit required for all locker rentals, and a signed rental agreement. A locker can be rented from the front desk at the Downtown Campus or Suite 150 at the Broadway Tech Campus during office hours (9 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.).

The use of institute lockers is a privilege. Students must abide by the rules stated below during their rental period.

  • All lockers are provided as-is and are assigned with combination locks.
  • All users agree to only occupy the locker assigned. Individuals are responsible for usage of locks while assigned to them.
  • No user shall store in a locker: guns, ammunition, weapons of any kind, explosives, prohibited drugs, illegal or illicit items, substances, or other items deemed by the institute to be harmful, offensive, or inappropriate.
  • Individuals are responsible for damage to their lockers and the combination locks.
  • Individuals must report all loose bolts, hinges, and other physical problems with a locker immediately to the front desk or
  • New York Tech shall not be liable for theft, loss, and/or damage to property that result from the use of lockers.
  • Any loss or damage should be reported to the Administration or Director of Student Affairs immediately.

Locker Inspections

New York Tech reserves the right to open a locker with or without the consent of the student to whom the locker is registered. The following is a partial listing of examples of when the institute will exercise its discretion without notice:

  • Locker abandonment
  • Suspected contents that may be illegal, illicit, or deemed by the institute to be harmful, offensive, or inappropriate
  • At the request of or generally in cooperation with police authorities
  • Investigative purposes related to suspected or alleged criminal, illegal, or inappropriate activities
  • Risk to the general good of the institute
  • Risk to the general good of the student or student population
  • Unregistered locker
  • Physical damage to or defacing of the locker
  • Odors (spoiled/rancid food, garbage, or smelly contents)

If a search of a student locker yields contraband, institute officials will seize the item and, will follow standard procedures regarding criminal activity (Conduct Violations). Contraband may be used as evidence in internal institute disciplinary proceedings against the student. Contraband is defined as any unauthorized item or substance possession of which is prohibited by institute policy and/or provincial or federal law.

It includes but is not limited to weapons and "look-alikes," alcoholic beverages, controlled substances and "look-alikes," equipment or records belonging to the institute, and stolen property.

Usage and Maintenance of New York Tech Lockers

Flammable materials, dangerous chemicals, explosives, or weapons of any kind are prohibited inside the lockers. Illegal or controlled substances such as drugs or alcohol are also strictly prohibited.

No interior or exterior alterations or decorations are permitted on lockers including stickers, labels, appliques, or other material with adhesives, tape, magnets, or other means to the exterior or interior surfaces of the locker. The user agrees not to remove or damage the door, shelves, hooks, or any part of the structure of the locker.

Any violation of these policies will result in cancellation of locker privileges without refund. Students are responsible for clearing out assigned lockers at the end of their agreements. At the conclusion of the academic year, email and paper notices will be sent two weeks in advance informing individuals that lockers need to be cleared out one week after the conclusion of final exams. All contents in abandoned lockers will be disposed of.

If any questions arise, please contact Office Administration at 778.783.5900 or

Lounge and Eating Area

Both the Downtown and Broadway Tech Centre Campus are equipped with a Student Lounge, where students can study, eat, or spend time with their peers. Each student lounge is fitted with a fridge, microwave, seating and tables, a television and sink.

The Student Lounge at the Downtown campus is located next to the Energy Management Computer Lab, and the Student Lounge at the Broadway Tech Centre is in Suite 150.

The Student Lounge should always be returned to the manner that it was found in. Students found stealing, vandalizing, or mistreating the Student Lounge will be subject to punishment.

Student Deliveries

Due to the number of students at NYIT-Vancouver, we are unable to accept packages for students.

Lost and Found

All lost and found items will be held at the front desk and will be returned with a correct description. New York Tech will notify the class/faculty should items be left behind in a class. Items are held for three months. After three months, the items will be donated.

Food in Classrooms

Food is permitted in the academic classrooms; however, students are responsible for cleaning any spillage that may occur. For the carpeted classrooms, students must have spill-proof mugs, and it is preferred that food not be consumed in carpeted areas.

Children on Campus

New York Tech recognizes the need to provide an environment that is conducive to learning and to minimize disruptions within the classroom. The institute also values supporting students who are parents of young children and is committed to providing an environment that encourages and supports breastfeeding. As such, it is the goal of the administration to create a policy that meets the needs of parents and nursing mothers while also providing a suitable learning environment for all students.

In order to minimize disruption in the classroom and create a learning atmosphere conducive to focused attention and learning, children are not permitted in classrooms while classes are in session. Children may be present in common areas (e.g., the lounge and hallways) as long as they are not noisy or disruptive. Children may also be present in the classrooms when classes are not in session.

This policy does not prevent mothers from breastfeeding at the school in any area where children are permitted to be present. New York Tech remains committed to providing an environment that encourages and supports breastfeeding.

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Campus Safety and Emergency Procedures


NYIT-Vancouver takes the safety and well-being of their students very seriously. New York Tech follows all applicable Provincial Health Orders and students attending campus must follow those orders that are in effect. Please review our Communicable Disease Plan.

Emergency Alert System

New York Tech uses an emergency alert system to keep you informed of campus closures, emergencies, or anything needing your immediate attention via text messages.

Manage Your Alerts

Emergency Procedures

Administration will coordinate a response to all emergencies, including fire, accident/illness, crime, hazardous spills/gas leaks, and bomb threats. All incidents and/or accidents on NYITcampuses involving actual or potential danger to life or property should be communicated immediately to security.

Threatening, irrational, or criminal behavior by a student should be communicated to the Office of Student Affairs or Administration as soon as possible. Emergency calls to security can be made from any office telephone on campus and cell phones. Make sure to tell the dispatcher your name, location, and nature of emergency.


Then call Campus Security at:

  • 604.669.3241 for Downtown campus
  • 604.834.0246 for BTC campus
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Appendix A: Student Code of Conduct

While on institute premises, students are expected to maintain appropriate professional standards of conduct including dress and interpersonal behavior. Students must abide by the existing institute rules and regulations and are expected to contribute to an atmosphere of non-stressful learning for all members of the institute. Anyone found to be a consistent detriment to such an atmosphere will be asked to withdraw.

Students are at all times responsible for their own actions. Ignorance of the institute's rules or the laws of Canada or British Columbia are not a defense against disciplinary action. Lack of intention to violate institute policy will not generally excuse an infraction.


The terms "code," "student code," "code of conduct," " NYIT Student Code of Conduct," " NYIT code of conduct" refer to the New York Institute of Technology Student Code of Conduct, which includes the New York Tech Honor Code.

The terms "institution" or "NYIT" mean New York Institute of Technology (also referred to as New York Tech) or any of its subsidiaries, unless noted otherwise in this code.

The term "instructor" means any person hired by the institution to conduct classroom activities.

The term "investigator" refers to an institute official who may be assigned to investigate a case in order to represent findings to a student conduct body.

A person or persons alleged to have engaged in conduct that violates this policy.

A person who files a complaint.

"Discipline Review Board"
Formal hearings are conducted by the campus Discipline Review Board which consists of the Director of Student Affairs who serves as chair; two (2) associate deans or designee; one (1) faculty members from each program; one (1) student appointed by the Student Government Association; In addition, other faculty and administration from different departments may be invited to participate in proceedings as a guest and may be consulted on specific issues.

"Bullying and Harassment"
Any inappropriate conduct or comment by a member of the New York Tech community towards an employee or student that the person knew or ought reasonably to have known would cause that person to be humiliated or intimidated, or any other form of unwelcome verbal or physical behavior which, by a reasonable standard, would be expected to cause insecurity, discomfort, offense or humiliation to one or more Employees or Students, and has the purpose or effect of interfering with an employee's work performance or a student's learning, or creating an intimidating, hostile or offensive working or learning environment.

Bullying and harassment excludes any reasonable action taken by an authorized institute administrator, supervisor, or faculty member relating to the management and direction of employees, or the regulation of academic and non-academic conduct of students or the working or learning environment.

Examples of bullying and harassment include, but are not limited, to the following:

  • Words, gestures, actions or practical jokes, the natural consequence of which is to humiliate, ridicule, insult, or degrade
  • Spreading malicious rumors
  • Threats or intimidation
  • Vandalizing personal belongings
  • Physical assault or violence
  • Persistent rudeness, bullying, taunting, patronizing behavior, or other conduct that adversely affects the learning or working environment

It is NOT bullying and harassment to:

  • Comply with professional, managerial or supervisory responsibilities to evaluate and report on the performance, conduct or competence of Employees or Students
  • Express reasonable opinions freely and courteously
  • Respectfully engage in honest differences of opinion

Discrimination within the meaning of the BC Human Rights Code, based on a person's sex, race, colour, ancestry, place of origin, political belief, religion, marital status, family status, physical or mental disability, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, age, or criminal conviction which is unrelated to the person's employment. Discrimination permitted by the BC Human Rights Code is not a breach of the Policy (i.e., where a bona fide occupational requirement or bona fide and reasonable justification is established, or where the alleged discrimination relates to a bona fide pension plan or group insurance plan). Discrimination includes Sexual Harassment, as defined below.

"Sexual Harassment"
Conduct or comments of a sexual nature that is unwelcome, and that detrimentally affects the working or learning environment or leads to adverse employment or education-related consequences.

Examples of Sexual Harassment include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Unwanted touching
  • Unwelcome sexual flirtations, advances or propositions
  • Sexually suggestive, obscene or degrading comments or gestures
  • Offensive jokes of a sexual nature
  • Leering or staring
  • Displaying or circulating pictures or other material of a sexual nature
  • Unwelcome questions or remarks about a person's sex life, appearance or clothing

A person who is enrolled as a student at the institute in credit or non-credit courses.

Students have the following rights:

  • The right to academic pursuit as the primary reason for students to be at The New York Institute of Technology (NYIT-Vancouver)
  • The right to participate in activities for students at the NYIT-Vancouver, without harassment, intimidation, discrimination, disruption, or acts of violence
  • The right to freedom of inquiry, expression and assembly on campus
  • The right to engage and participate in dialogue and to examine diverse views and ideas
  • The right to fair procedures in proceedings under this code
  • The right to respect for one's person and property
  • The right to privacy of personal information

Students have the following responsibilities:

The responsibility not to disrupt or interfere with institute activities (e.g., academic activities such as classes, New York Tech programs, student co-curricular activities, and tabling) The responsibility to behave in a way that does not harm or threaten to harm another person's physical or mental wellbeing The responsibility to uphold an atmosphere of civility, honesty, equity, and respect for others, thereby valuing the inherent diversity in our community The responsibility to consider and respect the perspectives and ideas of others, even when the student does not agree with their perspectives or ideas The responsibility to respect the property of others' including the property of the NYIT-Vancouver The responsibility to be fully acquainted with and adhere to the institute policies, procedures, or rules The responsibility to respect the privacy of personal information of others and treat disciplinary outcomes as confidential The responsibility to obey public laws


A student conduct review may be initiated by New York Tech and sanctions imposed against any student or student organization found responsible for committing the following prohibited forms of conduct:

Academic Integrity
  • Violation(s) of the Academic Integrity Policy, all policies, procedures, and definitions applicable to other violations of the Student Conduct Code apply to violations of the Academic Integrity Policy, except as specified in that policy
Conduct Unbecoming
  • Flagrant disrespect for persons, flouting of common standards of decency, behavior unbecoming of an New York Tech student, on or off campus, and/or continued behavior that demonstrates contempt for the generally accepted values of the intellectual community
Computer Misuse
  • Unauthorized access, entry, or use of a computer, computer system, network, software, password, account, or data
  • Unauthorized alteration or degradation of computer equipment, software, network, data, or system performance
  • Unauthorized copying, downloading, or distribution of computer software or data
  • Unauthorized use of computer resources for commercial purposes or personal financial or other gain. This includes, but is not limited to, advertising a product or service on any Internet site, fundraising, or advertising on behalf of unsanctioned non-institute organizations, publicizing of unsanctioned non-institute activities, the reselling of New York Tech resources, and the unauthorized use of New York Tech's name or logos. Use of New York Tech's network for any of these purposes, even if using their own personal computer, constitutes an offense.
  • Posting of any inappropriate or unauthorized images, messages, text, sounds, or any other format on any internet site constitutes a violation of this code
  • Any other violation of computer use and web policies, which can be found on New York Tech's website
Disruptive Behavior
  • Behavior that disrupts, impairs, interferes with, or obstructs the orderly conduct, processes, and functions of New York Tech, or the rights of other members of the institute community, including administration, disciplinary proceedings, athletic contests, or other New York Tech-sponsored events and activities conducted on or off campus
  • Behavior that disrupts, impairs, interferes with, or obstructs the orderly conduct, processes, and functions within an academic classroom or laboratory. This includes interfering with the academic mission of New York Tech or individual classroom or interfering with a faculty member's or instructor's role to carry out the normal academic or educational functions of their classroom or laboratory, including teaching and research.
  • Behavior that is deemed reckless in that it creates a danger, real or perceived, to the safety of persons or property
  • Physical violence toward another person or group
  • Behavior that endangers or threatens the mental or physical health, safety, or well-being of another person or group
  • Interference with the freedom of another person or group to move about in a manner considered lawful or reasonable within an educational community
Failure to comply
  • Failure to comply with a request or directive of a institute official (i.e., faculty, staff, administrator) or non-institute law enforcement official in the performance of their duty
  • Failure to comply with the final decision/sanctions rendered by a student conduct hearing or review body
  • Failure to comply with the final decision/sanctions rendered by a student conduct body in the timeframe put forth by the student conduct body
  • Failure to identify oneself and/or produce identification upon request by a institute official (i.e., faculty, staff, administrator) or non-institute law enforcement official in the performance of their duty
  • Failure to comply with institute policies concerning the registration of campus activities, student organizations, the use of institute facilities, and public assembly
Falsification/Fraud/False Testimony
  • Providing false or misleading information to and/or withholding or omitting information from a institute official or student conduct body
  • Providing false or misleading information and/or withholding or omitting information on institute documents/records, including but not limited to admissions applications, grade transcripts, student identification, computer records, and other official documents
  • Misuse, reproduction, alteration, or forgery of any type of identification, document, key, or property of New York Tech or a New York Tech community member
  • Permitting another person to use one's institute-related identification
  • Use of another person's institute-related identification
  • Impersonation or misrepresentation, including acting on behalf of another person, group, or New York Tech without authorization or prior consent
  • Impersonation or misrepresentation, including acting on behalf of another person, group, or NYIT-Vancouver, with or without prior consent, in such a manner to cause disruption Providing a worthless check, money order, credit, or any monetary form in payment to New York Tech or to a member of the institute community
  • Any other acts of falsification/fraud/false testimony
Fire and Emergency Safety
  • Action(s) that result in a fire or explosion, or the possibility of such an occurrence
  • Inappropriate activation of any emergency-warning equipment or the false reporting of any emergency
  • Removing, damaging, interfering, or tampering with fire safety or other emergency-warning equipment, including smoke detectors, extinguishers, sprinklers, and/or fire and door alarms
  • Failure to evacuate an New York Tech building when a fire alarm is sounded
  • Interfering with the carrying out of emergency response and/or evacuation procedures
  • Items placed or hung from, or blocking, sprinklers, or smoke detectors
Harassment and/or Bullying (other than gender-based misconduct)

Conduct, not of a sexual nature, (including, but not limited to, physical contact, verbal, graphic, written, or electronic communication), that creates an intimidating, hostile, or threatening environment for another person and/or group Conduct, not of a sexual nature, regardless if via physical, verbal, graphic, written, or electronic communication, that threatens, harms, or intimidates another person and/or group, including, but not limited to, institute personnel, student conduct body, or persons involved in student conduct processes Conduct, whether passive or active, related to bystander behavior that supports acts of harassment or bullying


Any group or individual action or activity that inflicts or intends to inflict physical or mental harm or discomfort, or that may demean, disgrace, or degrade any person, regardless of location, intent, or consent of participant(s). Although hazing may be related to a person's initiation or admission into, or affiliation with, a student group or organization, it is not necessary to have direct proof that a person's initiation or continued membership is contingent upon participation in the activity for a charge of hazing to be upheld. The actions of either active or associate members (inductees/pledges) of an organization may be considered hazing. Hazing includes, but is not limited to:

  • Interference with a student's academic performance
  • Forced or coerced consumption of any food, alcohol, controlled substances, drugs, or any other substance
  • Forced or coerced physical activity
  • Deprivation of food or sleep
  • Kidnapping, including restricting a person to move about in free and lawful manner
  • Physical abuse of any nature
  • Performing personal chores or errands for members
  • Verbal abuse or degradation, including yelling or demands
  • Assigning or endorsing pranks (e.g., stealing, harassing other organizations, defacing property, etc.)
  • Any action or threatened action that would subject the individual to embarrassment, humiliation, or mental distress, including the use of demeaning names or games
  • Any additional definitions of hazing as set forth by British Columbia or local hazing laws
  • Dispersing litter in any form or from any point on institute grounds, property, or facilities, including the throwing of objects out of windows or the dispensing of cigarette butts, flyers, cans, bottles, etc.
Gender-Based Misconduct Policy
Shared Responsibility
  • Failure to remove oneself from an area, room, place, or activity in which a violation of the Student Code of Conduct is occurring
  • Failure to appropriately notify institute officials of a violation of the Student Code of Conduct
  • Attempting to commit, soliciting another to commit, aiding or abetting the commission of any conduct that is a violation of the Student Code of Conduct.
  • Smoking is prohibited in all institute buildings and/or sections thereof, owned, leased, or operated by NYIT-Vancouver. This includes, but is not limited to, classrooms, stairwells, bathrooms, offices, hallways, labs, roofs, libraries, common areas of residential facilities, or private areas of residential facilities where smoking is prohibited.
  • Smoking is prohibited at the entrances and exits of New York Tech facilities. Actions that cause smoke to enter into facilities or residence halls are prohibited.
Theft and Trespass
  • Removal or use of the property or services of another person or of New York Tech without prior written consent or authorization
  • Possession, use, or sale of property or services of another person or of New York Tech without prior written consent or authorization
  • Entrance into any New York Tech building, office, area, or residence hall unit, room, class, laboratory, or athletic field when or where not authorized
  • Unauthorized use of New York Tech property for personal gain or personal business practices
  • Damage, destruction, or defacing of property of another person, group, or NYIT-Vancouver.
Weapons, Firearms, Explosives
  • The display, possession, or use of weapons or other dangerous items or apparently dangerous items (such as replica or simulated weapons), including but not limited to firearms, explosives, ammunition, knives, swords, blackjacks, martial arts weapons, and containers of noxious material is prohibited on campus.
  • The use or discharge of firearms, explosives, ammunition, noxious material, and/or other objects or substances is also prohibited on campus and institute grounds.
  • New York Institute of Technology respects the rights of those that are baptized observers of Khalsa Sikhism and those who observe the Sikh religion to wear a kirpan as a part of their religious beliefs. The right of Sikhs to wear the Kirpan is protected under human rights legislation and will not be found to constitute a health and safety risk amounting to undue hardship. The right of Sikhs to wear the kirpan is protected under human rights legislation and will not be found to constitute a health and safety risk amounting to undue hardship. Kirpans may be worn on campus only by students and employees who are baptized observers of Khalsa Sikhism and those who observe the Sikh religion and are able to demonstrate that they must wear a kirpan as part of their religious beliefs. However, wearing a kirpan shall be permitted subject to the following conditions:
    • The wearer must be a Khalsa Sikh (baptized) or must satisfy the institute that the wearer sincerely believes as part of their religious beliefs that they must wear a kirpan
    • Individuals may be requested to provide a letter from the gurdwara (place of worship) confirming that they are khalsa. In other cases where this is not appropriate or impossible, a signed declaration by the student will be sufficient. Those who are not Khalsa Sikhs will be required to submit an explanation as to why they must carry a kirpan, notwithstanding they are not Khalsa Sikhs; a determination will be made on a case-by-case basis in this situation
    • The kirpan (hilt, blade and sheath) is not to be greater than seven (7) inches (17.8 centimeters) in length but smaller kirpans are preferable
    • The kirpan is not to be worn visibly, but under the wearer's clothing
    • The kirpan must be sufficiently secured to render removal difficult, but not impossible
    • That the right to wear the kirpan may be suspended if it is misused by the wearer
    • The institute reserves the right to periodically, in a private and sensitive manner, seek to verify that the limitations with respect to kirpan length, security measures and concealment continue to be met.
    • A student/employee's right to wear the kirpan may be suspended by the institute for failure to comply with the conditions noted above. for students, the process identified in the student code of conduct will be utilized to resolve the issue. situations involving employees will be administered by human resources.
Other Violations
  • Violations of other written expectations for students as members of New York Tech organizations.
  • Suspected or convicted violations of other federal, provincial, and/or local laws or ordinances.

Procedure for Determining Code of Conduct Violations

The student conduct process at New York Tech exists to protect the interests of the community and to encourage students to consider how they interact within the community and how they can engage in respectful, ethical and professional behavior and challenge those whose behavior is not in accordance with our policies. Sanctions are intended to challenge students' moral and ethical decision-making and to help them bring their behavior into accord with community expectations. When a student is unable to conform their behavior to community expectations, the student conduct process may determine that the student should no longer share in the privilege of participating in this community.

Any student, faculty or staff member of New York Tech may file a written incident report to the Director of Student Affairs if they believe a student has engaged in conduct proscribed by this code.

The Director of Student Affairs will determine if the complaint falls within the jurisdiction of the Code of Conduct, if so, the Director of Student Affairs will further investigate the allegation as outlined below. A determination of responsibility is based on a preponderance of the evidence that conduct constituting a violation occurred or that it did not occur. The Director of Student Affairs will provide written findings to the Discipline Review Board and a determination of responsibility will be made by the Discipline Review Board based on a preponderance of the evidence that conduct constituting a violation occurred or that it did not occur.

A student who is being interviewed as a part of the investigation may bring an advocate to the interview. The Advocate's sole purpose during the investigative process is supportive in nature. Advocates are not allowed to speak or otherwise participate in the proceeding or participate in the investigation. As the investigation is not a legal proceeding, attorneys are not allowed to be present for non-sexual violence cases.

Procedure for Filing an Allegation of a Conduct Violation

An incident report detailing the conduct allegations must be submitted in writing to the Director of Student Affairs either directly or through an associate dean within 30 days, whenever possible, of the alleged conduct violation.

The incident report should include:

  • The date and time of the alleged incident
  • A factual account of the incident details and people involved if applicable
  • Witnesses' names if applicable

If more than one person is involved, it is ideal to have all persons complete an incident report as soon as possible after the alleged conduct violation.

Status of Affected Student Pending Proceedings

Pending resolution of charges, a student shall be entitled to all the rights and privileges of a student in good standing; except that the Director of Student Affairs (or designee) may find that the student's presence at New York Tech constitutes an unreasonable threat to the safety, health or welfare of the New York Tech community, an interim suspension will be imposed on the student pending resolution of the charges.

Investigation and Proceedings

The Director of Student Affairs will review the incident report(s) and determine if the complaint falls within the jurisdiction of the Code of Conduct:

  • If the allegation is not determined to be within the jurisdiction of the Code of Conduct the Director of Student Affairs will notify the Complainant in writing within five business days of receiving the complaint.
  • If the allegation is determined to be within the jurisdiction of the Code of Conduct the Director of Student Affairs will:
    • Will notify the person against whom the complaint is made (the "Respondent") of the complaint against them in writing within five business days of receiving the complaint.
  • A student who withdraws or takes a leave of absence is required to participate in all investigation proceedings, until the allegations are resolved.
  • Will conduct an investigation into the allegation that:
    • Shall include contact with the Respondent that allows the Respondent to present a written and/or oral explanation of the facts and circumstances underlying the alleged conduct.
  • When a response is required, the Respondent must respond by the indicated deadline and in the manner (i.e., in person or writing) required by the Investigator.
  • Where a meeting has been scheduled to enable the Respondent to be heard in person by the Investigator and the Respondent does not attend despite having been informed of the appointment in writing, the Investigator may proceed without scheduling another such meeting and may reach a decision on responsibility based on the available information and documentation she or he has received and reviewed without re-inviting the respondent.
  • Shall include a separate meeting with each of the parties (Complainant and Respondent), and any relevant witnesses that have been identified
  • The Director of Student Affairs will endeavor to present all findings to the Discipline Review Board within ten business days of receiving the allegation.
  • The Discipline Review Board will schedule a meeting to enable the Respondent to be heard by the Board in person within ten business days of receiving the report from the Director of Student Affairs.
  • Where a meeting has been scheduled to enable the Respondent to be heard in person by the Discipline Review Board and the Respondent does not attend despite having been informed of the appointment in writing, the Discipline Review Board may proceed without scheduling another such meeting and may reach a decision on responsibility based on the available information and documentation received and reviewed without re-inviting the Respondent.
  • The Discipline Review Board may, as part of their review, require further investigation and may call other involved parties for further interview.
  • The Discipline Review Board will make a determination regarding the alleged breach of conduct and, if necessary, determine steps for resolution and/or sanctions.
  • The Discipline Review Board may impose any of the sanctions set forth below under "Disciplinary Sanctions."
  • The Director of Student Affairs will communicate the determination by the Discipline Review Board to the Respondent in writing by email (through email.)
  • All physical evidence, written statements, and notes of oral statements taken in any investigation shall be kept by the Student Affairs Department in the student's official file throughout a student's tenure, and for 5 years after the student has graduated from, or otherwise permanently left New York Tech
  • The student and complainant shall be notified of all findings and a copy of the outcome placed in the case file;

If a violation has been determined, the Discipline Review Board through the Director of Student Affairs shall inform the student of the appeal process, including the period of ten (10) calendar days to appeal the sanctions to the Campus Dean or designee.


Appeal of Findings and Sanctions

Should a student disagree with the finding or sanction of a student code of conduct violation, they may appeal. All appeal letters must be submitted in writing to the Campus Dean, within ten calendar days of the Discipline Review Board determination and include the following:

  • Student name, ID number and address;
  • The grounds for the appeal, which are limited to the following:
    1. A violation of the student's rights or other procedures occurred that substantially affected the outcome of the hearing.
    2. New evidence, which was not available at the time of the original hearing and could have substantially affected the outcome. The nature of the evidence must be described in full detail in the appeal letter.
    3. The sanction(s) imposed were disproportionate to the violation of the Student Code of Conduct for which the student was found to be responsible.
  • Date and signature of student.

Disciplinary Sanctions

A sanction is an outcome or consequence if a student is found in violation of the Student Code of Conduct.

The institute values the principles of restorative justice, and wherever possible, emphasis is placed on educational sanctions. The goal of educational sanctions is to help a student understand why their behavior was inappropriate, to appreciate the impact of that behavior on others and to effect positive change. Educational sanctions can include apologies, service to the institute or wider community, and completion of a class or workshop. Disciplinary sanctions may also be imposed. Students may be placed on disciplinary probation, required to pay restitution, trespassed from campus, suspended, or expelled for violations of the code.

The Discipline Review Board may propose any of the Disciplinary Sanctions as outlined below. One or more of the following sanctions may be imposed upon any student for any single violation of the Code of Conduct. Sanctions may be imposed separately or in conjunction with any other sanction(s).

Disciplinary measures for non-academic misconduct are not ordinarily recorded on a student's transcript. In addition to the below, any of the following sanctions may also be imposed upon student groups or organizations found to have violated the Code of Conduct:

  • Deactivation
  • De-recognition
  • Loss of all privileges (including status as an institute registered group/organization) for a specified period of time.

A reprimand/warning will be a written sanction warning that future conduct which violates the proscriptions of the Code of Conduct may result in consideration of further sanctions. The official copy of this reprimand shall be kept by the Registrar in the student's official file.


Restitution may be sanctioned in cases involving damaged, stolen or misappropriated property (including money). This could include situations such as failure to return a reserved space in proper condition. This is not a fee/fine but, rather, a repayment for labor costs and/or value of property destroyed, damaged, consumed or stolen.


This sanction may be fulfilled with either the institute counseling service, Empower Me, or a licensed mental health provider of the student's choosing. The sanction letter will identify the concerns requested to be addressed by counseling, and the requirement for a letter from the mental health provided identifying that the concerns have been addressed to be submitted before the student may be removed from the sanction.

New York Tech Community Service

A student or organization may be required to complete a specific supervised institute community service. Community education hours will not be issued for any sanctioned community service.

Confiscation of Prohibited Property

Items whose presence is in violation of New York Tech policy will be confiscated. Prohibited items may be returned to the owner if they are not illegal and with the understanding/agreement they will not be on property again or will be confiscated with no return of the property.

Loss of Privileges

A student or student club/organization will be denied specified privileges for a designated period of time.

Behavioral Contract

This pertains to required activities including, but not limited to, seeking academic counseling, professional development advising, mental health counseling, substance abuse screening, writing a letter of apology, etc.

Educational Program

This sanction establishes a requirement to attend, present and/or participate in a program related to the violation. It may also be a requirement to sponsor or assist with a program for others on campus to aid them in learning about a specific topic or issue related to the violation for which the student or organization was found responsible. Audience may be restricted and reason for participation will not be advertised.

Eligibility Restriction

This sanction deems a student "not in good standing" with the institution for a specific period of time. During this time, the student has specific limitations or exceptions in place that restricts the ability to represent the institution. This conduct sanction may include, but is not limited to, the following:

  • Ineligibility to hold any office in any student organization recognized by the institute, or hold an elected or appointed office at the institute; or
  • Ineligibility to represent New York Tech to anyone outside the institute community in any way including: presenting community education opportunities, attending non-required conferences, representing the institute in official capacity at a function or gathering, etc.
Exclusion from Campus

A written notice issued as a means of intervention to direct disruptive persons away from parts of or the entire campus, and to provide protection, safety, and security for the welfare of the students, faculty, staff, and guests of NYIT-Vancouver.

Disciplinary Probation

This sanction permits the student to remain at New York Tech only upon condition that the student avoids further conduct that violates the Code of Conduct. In appropriate cases, additional conditions of probation may be imposed when the circumstances of the student's misconduct do not warrant suspension. A probationary period will be delineated. If a student is found to violate the Code of Conduct while on probation, the student may face suspension or expulsion.

Interim Suspension

The imposed action of this sanction will include separation from the institution or restriction on participation in the community pending the scheduling of a campus hearing on alleged violation(s) of the Code of Conduct, or is exhibiting a serious threat to harm others.

A student who receives an interim suspension notification may request a meeting with the Director of Student Affairs to discuss the reason(s) and terms for the interim suspension. This meeting does not supersede the conduct hearing process.

During an interim suspension, a student may be denied access to New York Tech campus/facilities/events. This restriction may also include classes, institute activities, library usage and/or privileges for which the student might otherwise have been eligible. At the discretion of the Discipline Review Board and in collaboration with and approval from the appropriate associate dean(s), alternative coursework options may be allowed to minimize some impact on the student's academic progress. Students on suspension must return all library materials and pay any outstanding library fines.


Suspension is an involuntary removal from New York Tech and temporarily terminates the student's rights and privileges at the institute. Suspensions take effect immediately and may include the current term of enrollment. No refunds of tuition or fees will be made except as may be in accordance with the regular tuition refund policy.

During the suspension period, the student is banned from institute property, library, functions, events and activities without prior written approval from the Director of Student Affairs. This sanction may be enforced with a trespass action as necessary. Eligibility to return from a suspension to New York Tech may be contingent upon satisfaction of specific conditions outlined in the letter of notification at the time of suspension.

The student returning is placed on disciplinary probation for a minimum of one term.


Expulsion terminates the individual's rights and privileges as a student of New York Tech permanently. The individual may not apply for re-admittance to NYIT-Vancouver. The student is banned from institute property, functions, events and activities.

Disciplinary Holds

The Director of Student Affairs (or designee) will place a student conduct hold on the records and registration of any student who fails to respond to a conduct notice or fails to complete a sanction as determined through final institute action. Any pending conduct matters must be resolved prior to re-registration or a student's graduation. No student will be allowed to register, graduate, receive grades, or have transcripts released until the pending disciplinary matter(s) is/are resolved. Student conduct holds may also affect financial aid.

The Director of Student Affairs (or designee) will place a student conduct hold on the records and registration of a student that is under suspension or expulsion from the institution. The student conduct hold will not be removed until the student's suspension status has expired and/or the requirements as set forth by the student conduct/appellate body for readmission have been successfully met. This determination will be made by the Director of Student Affairs (or designee).

The Executive Director/Campus Dean, Director of Student Affairs (or designee) or Business Administration Manager is authorized to place or remove student conduct holds.

Privacy and Confidentiality: Student Conduct Records

All conduct proceedings and records are confidential. In accordance with the Personal Information Protection Act and the Personal Information Electronic Documents Act (PIPA and PIPEDA), New York Tech will abide by all laws requiring confidentiality and privacy with regard to the student conduct process. This confidentiality extends to all student conduct bodies and forums.

In cases involving alleged behavior, where the complainant's rights are impacted, the Director of Student Affairs (or designee) will inform the complainant whenever appropriate of the outcome of the conduct meeting. In cases of violation of the misconduct policy, the complainant will receive notification of the outcome.

All conduct proceedings are private and closed to the public, unless the student is alleged to have violated policy and the complainant (if applicable) agrees in writing to an open hearing. However, the student conduct body, when necessary to maintain order or to protect the rights of other participants, can deem the proceedings closed to the public.

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Appendix B: Academic Integrity and AI Cheating Policy

Academic Integrity Policy

Please see the New York Tech Academic Integrity Policy: U.S. Campuses for more information.

AI Cheating Policy

As an educational institution, New York Tech in Vancouver is committed to maintaining the highest standards of academic integrity. As the availability and use of AI tools increases, we adopt the following policy to address AI cheating:

  1. Definition of AI Cheating: AI cheating refers to the misuse of artificial intelligence tools (AI assistants, chatbots, or other AI technologies) to complete assignments, exams, or any other academic work in a dishonest manner. This includes using AI-generated content to:
    • Complete assignments, tests, or exams in full or in part without the student's own work.
    • Provide or receive unauthorized help or information during an assignment, test, or exam.
    • Paraphrase, summarize, or directly copy content from other sources without proper attribution.
    • Use of AI to complete a task for which an instructor provided explicit instructions that the work should be completed without the assistance of AI.
    • Or, generally, misrepresent one's own work.
  2. Honor Code: All students are expected to adhere to the principles of academic integrity and honesty. By enrolling in our institution, students agree to uphold these principles and refrain from engaging in AI cheating or any other form of academic dishonesty.
  3. Consequences: Students found to be engaging in AI cheating will face disciplinary actions, which may include:
    • A failing grade on the assignment or exam
    • A failing grade or zero in the course
    • Academic probation
    • Suspension or expulsion from the institution
  4. Detection and Reporting: Faculty and staff are responsible for reporting instances of AI cheating. Students are encouraged to report any suspected cases of AI cheating to their instructors or the appropriate academic authorities.
  5. Education and Awareness: New York Tech Vancouver provides resources and training to educate students, faculty, and staff about the ethical use of AI tools and the consequences of AI cheating.

By implementing this policy, we aim to create an environment that fosters academic integrity and discourages AI cheating. Students are encouraged to develop their own skills and knowledge, and to approach their academic work with honesty and responsibility.

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Appendix C: Respectful Working and Learning Environment

The New York Institute of Technology is committed to providing a safe working and learning environment that allows for full and free participation of all members of the institute community.

Discrimination, bullying, and harassment are strictly prohibited under this policy.

A breach of this Policy by a member of the institute community represents serious misconduct, and may be cause for disciplinary sanctions including, where appropriate, suspension, dismissal or expulsion.

The institute recognizes its responsibility to increase awareness of discrimination, bullying and harassment; to prevent its occurrence within the institute community; to provide procedures to handle complaints; and to remedy situations where discrimination or bullying and harassment has been found to have occurred.

The institute will respond to complaints in a manner that supports all persons involved in the Complaint, consistent with institute policies and principles of procedural fairness.

Rights and Responsibilities

The institute is committed to addressing discrimination, bullying, and harassment by:

  • Implementing and actively promoting awareness and training programs to educate the institute community regarding discrimination, bullying, and harassment and the issues addressed in this policy
  • Promoting working and learning conditions that seek to eliminate the potential for incidents of discrimination, bullying, and harassment to occur within the institute's facilities or operations
  • Reducing barriers to filing complaints regarding discrimination, bullying, and harassment
  • Responding to complaints in a procedurally fair, efficient and consistent manner

The institute reserves the right to initiate an investigation and/or to inform the relevant law enforcement agency without the consent of the person filing a Complaint regarding an incident of discrimination, bullying, and harassment, if the institute has a reasonable belief that the safety of a member of the institute community is at risk.

The institute reserves the right to implement interim measures as it considers appropriate, to protect the safety of the institute community or any of its members during an evaluation of a Complaint, or pending the completion of an investigation. Such measures may include, but are not limited to: directing the complainant, respondent, witnesses or other parties to cease and desist from engaging in a particular type of behavior; restricting access to institute property or specific areas within the institute; alteration of the learning or work schedule of an individual; imposing a no-contact directive; and/or temporary, non-disciplinary leave of an individual.

A member of the institute community has the right to pursue other processes external to New York Tech in connection with alleged discrimination, bullying, and harassment, such as reporting the matter to the police, initiating a civil action, or filing a complaint under the BC Human Rights Code. If an external course of action is pursued, the institute may elect to continue with the process under this policy, or to suspend the process under this policy pending the outcome of the external process.

Complaints of Discrimination and Harassment or Other Policy Violations

A member of the institute community who has experienced discrimination, bullying, and harassment, or who is otherwise affected by a violation of the Policy, may file a Complaint as described in this Procedure. To initiate an investigation, a Complaint must be filed, in writing, with:

  • The Director of Student Affairs, if the respondent is a student
  • The Director of Human Resources, if the respondent is a New York Tech employee

The complaint should set out, using the Incident Report Form, the relevant details regarding the alleged discrimination, bullying, and harassment, or other alleged violation of the policy. The complaint should include a list of any potential witnesses, along with a brief description of the information those witnesses are expected to provide. Any relevant documents, including any social media communications, should also be included with the complaint.

A complainant has the right to withdraw a complaint at any stage of the process. However, the institute may continue to act on the issue identified in the complaint to comply with its obligations under law or the policy.


Harassment based on race, sex, religion, or any other protected class, evidenced by persistent words, conduct or actions directed at an individual that badger, annoy, threaten or cause substantial emotional distress is strictly not tolerated on a New York Tech campus. Slurs and other verbal/nonverbal or physical conduct directed to an individual because of their membership in a protected class is considered to constitute harassment when this conduct:

  • Has the purpose or effect of creating an intimidating, hostile or offensive working or school environment
  • Has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with an individual's work or student's performance in school including their performance in curricular, extracurricular, and nonacademic activities
  • Otherwise adversely affects an individual's employment or a student's opportunities in curricular, extracurricular, and nonacademic activities

New York Tech strongly supports academic freedom and does not intend this policy to prevent or limit discussion of ideas, taboos, behavior or language as an essential element of course content, even if opinions and ideas expressed cause some discomfort. Every member of the institute community is encouraged to refuse, firmly and without apology, to submit to subtle or overt pressure with sexual, religious, political or other overtones.

The Executive Director/Campus Dean and associate deans have a particular responsibility to promote work, living, and study environments free of verbal and physical harassment. complaints of harassment by an institute employee should be directed to the Office of Human Resources, which is authorized to convene the Harassment Grievance Committee. complaints of harassment by a New York Tech student should be directed to the Director of Student Affairs, who has the authority to commence student disciplinary proceedings.