Black and while model of stairs, people in silhouette

Architecture, Health and Design, M.S.

Explore opportunities for innovation in planning, architecture, and design with a focus on health and wellness. Integrate emerging technologies and bridge scientific knowledge to bring new strategic perspectives to mitigate the impact on health due to the global environmental crises. Experiment with computational design, prototyping, augmented and intelligent materials, or climate simulation systems and develop the spatial futures, rethinking how design and the built environment impact humans.

Program Brief

The Master of Science in Architecture, Health and Design (M.S.AHD) program is a two-semester, 30-credit, post-professional master's degree. We welcome applications from graduates with a background in planning, urban design, architecture and design, including healthcare design, interior design, industrial design, product design, etc., as well as those with interest and expertise in design technologies (simulation, visualization, robotic interactions, and fabrication, etc.), computational design, and new materials.

Our coordinated curriculum of design studios, labs, and core and elective courses is threaded with a renovated research-oriented approach to health and design. You'll explore methodologies that include strategic and systemic design, healthcare facilities design, prototyping at the scale of product and industrial design, the performative qualities of spaces, and the exploration of material innovations. A final studio project will synthesize professional, historical, theoretical, social, and material knowledge, and explore a multidisciplinary topic at the intersection of design, technology and the medical/healthcare fields.


Ultimately, a new form of speculative interdisciplinary design practice may arise from the cross-pollination of various professionals and industry partners and a range of contributors from health sciences and other experts.


  • Architectural Design
  • Strategic Planning
  • Interior Design
  • Healthcare Design
  • Computation and Fabrication
  • Environmental Design
  • Health and Wellness Design
  • Institutional Space Planning
  • Composite Materials, Responsive Materials
  • Biomaterials, Live Materials
  • Simulation, Big Data, Machine Learning AI
  • VR, MR, AR


School of Architecture and Design faculty are active in professional practice in the area of healthcare design and in design research on health and wellness-related fields.


Student Work

In preparation for the launch of the new M.S.AHD, the School of Architecture and Design has worked on the intersection of health and design within the context of undergraduate Design Studios, including the B.Arch Year-5 Thesis Studios.


COVID-19 Response

In response to the COVID-19 crisis, the School of Architecture and Design has resoundingly joined together in a collective endeavor to make PPE for hospitals and healthcare workers.


“There is the urgency to reframing the inherent and meaningful spatial relation between human health, wellbeing, and our built and natural environments with novel set of skills and a more conscious mindset.”

Maria Perbellini, M.Arch.

Dean, School of Architecture and Design

Exceptional experiences.
Outstanding outcomes.




Top 17%


Top-Tier Ranking

USNWR Best Regional Colleges North

New York Tech is ranked among the top 25 regional universities in the North. (U.S. News & World Report)

How You’ll Succeed

Graduates of the program are equipped with design skills in 3-D modeling, analysis and simulation software, fabrication and material methods, along with theoretical, historical and professional knowledge, as the skills and knowledge with which to enter practice or further education in health-related design.

International F-1 students who successfully complete this degree are eligible for an additional 24-month STEM OPT extension to work in the U.S. in an area directly related to their area of study immediately upon completing the customary 12-month post-completion Optional Practical Training (OPT).

USNWR Best Regional Colleges North

Top-Tier Ranking

New York Tech is ranked among the top 25 regional universities in the North. (U.S. News & World Report)

Do. Make. Innovate.

16th Annual Alumni and FRIENDS Reception

Long Island, NY | November 20, 2024 | 06:00 pm - 09:00 pm

The 16th Annual Alumni and FRIENDS of NYIT School of Architecture and Design on Wednesday, November 20, 2024 at the Garden City Hotel on Long Island.

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News Byte: Architecture Program Awarded for DEI Efforts

Long Island, NY | New York, NY | July 23, 2024

New York Tech’s Bachelor of Architecture degree program has received Insight Into Diversity magazine’s 2024 Inspiring Programs in STEM Award, recognizing the undergraduate degree’s encouragement of underrepresented groups to enter STEM fields.

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