Message from the Chairs
From its early beginnings approximately 70 years ago, the computer has become the primary engine behind much of the world’s growth and the rise of a global community. Today, computers are indispensable in virtually all fields of human endeavor. Just 40 years ago, only large companies had computers. Now there is scarcely a business or industry that does not utilize the computer in some way. Just a glance at any job site shows the diversity of jobs that exist for people with a computer science degree.
Computers process the daily transactions of the world’s banks, the data of communication satellites, and the images of video games and films, as well as the fuel and ignition systems of automobiles. Computer software is as present in the areas of education and entertainment as it is in science and business. There is virtually no field or profession that does not rely upon the problem-solving skills and production expertise of computer science for the efficient processing of information. Computer scientists find themselves employed in roles ranging from pure theory and design to programming and marketing.
The enormous demand for expertise in computing and the many opportunities for success has made computer science one of the largest and most active disciplines on campus. Our program is unique in that, in addition to the traditional courses in the hardware and software aspects of computers, you can also select concentrations in network security or Big Data management and analytics, two of the fastest growing areas of computer science.
All our students have access to sophisticated computer equipment in up-to-date laboratory facilities, and graduates of our program can expect to find job opportunities in all major industries. Our faculty members, who combine advanced degrees in computer science and electrical engineering with professional industry and research experience, bring a wealth of knowledge and expertise to the classroom.

Chair, Department of Computer Science,
New York City

Chair, Department of Computer Science,
Long Island
- Computer Science, B.S.
- Computer Science, B.S. – Big Data and Management Analytics
- Computer Science, B.S. – Network Security
- Computer Science, M.S.
- Computer Science, Ph.D.
- Cybersecurity (Information, Network, and Computer Security) M.S.
Contact Us
Nw York City
Yoshikazu Saito, Department Chair
Edward Guiliano Global Center
1855 Broadway, room 806
Jackline Okot, Administrative Assistant
Long Island
Frank Lee, Department Chair
Harry Schure Hall, room 218
Allison Seroka, Administrative Assistant