Hand pointing at text with human anatomy diagram

Bioengineering, M.S.

Are you interested in the creation and development of new and novel medical devices? Get the analytical and practical tools you’ll need to succeed in the biotechnology and bioengineering industries.

What You’ll Learn

The M.S. in Bioengineering combines coursework in engineering theory, life sciences, and entrepreneurship with laboratory work that fuses discipline-specific topics and hands-on research.

You’ll gain advanced competencies to simulate electrical/electronic circuits, program microprocessors/embedded systems/FPGAs, model and implement control/communication systems, and process data/signals/systems.

Our master’s program is suitable for students with a variety of backgrounds including engineering, life sciences, and medicine.

Career Options

  • Bioinformatics
  • Implantable and wearable technologies
  • Medical device design
  • Micro-electro-mechanical-systems (MEMS)
  • Nanotechnology
  • Telemedicine
Azhar Ilyas, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor

Research on point-of-care diagnostics and structural biomaterials for bone generation is led by Dr. Ilyas at the Long Island campus.

Maryam Ravan, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor

Dr. Ravan's research includes biomedical signal and image processing, statistical analysis, machine learning, microwave holography, and nondestructive testing.

Aydin Farajidavar, Ph.D.

Associate Professor

Dr. Farajidavar and a team of student researchers are developing an implantable wireless system to study the body’s gastric system.


Exceptional experiences.
Outstanding outcomes.



Top 20



Top-Tier Ranking

USNWR Best Colleges in Social Mobility

New York Tech is a Top Performer for Social Mobility among regional universities in the North.

How You’ll Succeed

You’ll have the opportunity to work on funded research projects for the National Science Foundation, National Institutes of Health, Department of Defense, alongside faculty at New York Tech’s Entrepreneurship and Technology Innovation Center (ETIC). You’ll participate in workshops with leaders in the field and other professional networking opportunities.

You can also take advantage of additional extracurricular programs through our many student engineering clubs.

International F-1 students who successfully complete this degree are eligible for an additional 24-month STEM OPT extension to work in the U.S. in an area directly related to their area of study immediately upon completing the customary 12-month post-completion Optional Practical Training (OPT).

USNWR Best Colleges in Social Mobility

Top-Tier Ranking

New York Tech is a Top Performer for Social Mobility among regional universities in the North.