Computer and Printer Deployment Policy

Effective Date June 21, 2016 Policy Owner Information Technology Services
Last Reviewed Date July 1, 2024 Approved By President's Council
Review Cycle Annual Policy Contact Information Security & Compliance Analyst


Information Technology Services (ITS) is responsible for establishing and maintaining a computer and printer deployment and replacement policy:

  • To ensure all faculty and staff members who require the routine use of a computer to conduct their defined roles have access to a computer and printing facilities of appropriate capability to fulfill their professional responsibilities (this includes remote work setups)
  • To ensure appropriate computing resources are available in departmental computing facilities, college offices in support of New York Tech's mission
  • To ensure all students who use a computer as part of their education, have access to shared computer and printing facilities of appropriate capability to support their educational needs while attending New York Tech
  • To establish centralized funding and procurement models for all computer and printer replacement for all public use computers, as well as faculty and staff computers
  • To implement standards for computing resources on campus, increasing the security and supportability of the institution's installed base of equipment
  • To streamline the process of specification, procurement, and deployment of new computers and printers and redeployment or disposal of old computers
  • To ensure that university resources are used efficiently, fairly, and equitably in the procurement and deployment of all computer and printer hardware


The Computer and Printer Deployment Policy covers three major areas: 1) shared/public computing resources, including but not limited to, open labs/kiosks, libraries, classrooms, learning centers, etc.; 2) faculty and staff computing including remote work needs; and 3) printers and multifunction devices.

All New York Tech provided desktop, laptops, tablets, printers, etc. in all campuses and locations, including the networked multifunction devices are subject to this policy.


Computers for Student Computing Laboratories and Public Areas

With the exception of the College of Osteopathic Medicine (COM), computers in student computing laboratories and in all other public locations shall be managed and supported by ITS. In global locations, ITS will establish partnerships and/or contracts to provide the necessary services. These computers will be configured according to ITS security standards and the articulated needs of the departments and disciplines they serve, which will be accomplished in consultation with the departments in question.

Prior to the start of each fall semester (or when devices are scheduled to be replaced), ITS will coordinate with the departments to provide most up-to-date software configurations for the new computers subject to the business and instructional needs of the department and compatibility/security considerations. The software configuration will include operating system, general business software, and discipline specific software.

In cases where an academic department needs software upgrades on existing computers, ITS will make every effort to provide the necessary upgrades by the start of the following semester.

In general, all centrally scheduled classroom computers and public student-facing computers are replaced on a four-year cycle. New York Tech central computer equipment budget shall procure these computers.

Computers for Faculty and Staff

New York Tech will provide one primary computer (desktop or laptop) for each faculty or staff member. Adjunct professors or employees on temporary assignments are not covered by this policy. In cases where the faculty or staff member has a secondary office, laboratory or workshop, or working remotely, the one computer policy will apply to the primary office location only—even if that location is a remote location such as the employee's home. If faculty or staff have multiple offices or they are working remotely on a regular basis, they should request a mobile device as their primary computer. ITS is not financially responsible for the automatic upgrade of computers purchased with departmental funds or with outside funding including grant funding, donations, and the like.

With the exception of COM, all computers purchased with New York Tech funds (operating, capital, grant, project, etc.) shall be managed by ITS. These computers will be configured according to a university standard hardware and software configuration. In cases where a different configuration is necessary to support the fulfillment of the professional responsibilities of the faculty or staff member, ITS will consider revising the specification in consultation with the department.

At time of replacement, ITS will coordinate with the departments to provide most up-to-date software configurations for the new computers subject to the business and instructional needs of the department and compatibility considerations. The software configuration will include operating system, general business software, and discipline specific software.

New York Tech's central IT computer equipment budget shall procure these computers.

Standard Computer Configurations

ITS will publish the standard desktop and laptop configurations for faculty, staff, student computing laboratories and other public areas on the New York Tech website. The configurations will be updated at least once a year or more frequently as necessary. Special configurations based on disciplines which require different configurations will be documented separately. If a faculty or staff member wants/needs a computer that is more expensive than the standard allocation set by ITS which is reviewed annually, the faculty/staff member's respective department will need to provide the additional funding.

Printers and Multifunction Devices

New York Tech will provide networked multifunction devices (known as a multifunction printer or MFP) at the New York campuses. These devices are capable of print, scan, and copy functions, and in required cases, fax functions as well. All devices will be capable of color printing and copying, except in locations where a department explicitly requests no color function. Printing solutions in global locations and in Arkansas are handled on a case-by-case basis.

MFPs will be deployed with the default setting of "secured release." This means that the print job will only be released when the owner enters a unique authorization code into the device and/or swipes his/her New York Tech ID. Hence, confidential documents will only be available to the owner of the document.

MFPs are typically replaced every four years. The lease for MFPs is centrally funded by New York Tech.

Local desktop printers are generally not allowed. Exceptions to this need to be approved by the VP for IT/CIO and are typically only granted if the person is not reasonably located near a shared multifunction device. Exceptions for employees working remotely will only be considered under extenuating circumstances.

Scanners and Other Peripheral Hardware

Scanners and other specialized peripheral equipment are generally not funded by ITS. Requests for such devices must be forwarded to ITS with proper justification and funding source. ITS will deploy after review and approval.


Exceptions to the one computer policy can only be made by the president or a vice president by submitting a written justification to the Vice President for Information Technology/CIO. Funding for the second device will need to be identified as part of the request process.

Exceptions to the local desktop printer policy can only be made by the President or a Vice President by submitting a written justification to the Vice President for Information Technology/CIO.

Associated Procedures

Software Testing

To be able to provide the most up-to-date software to the New York Tech community, Client Services and Engagement will test all new software for a brief period after their release to ensure compatibility and suitability for New York Tech use. This will include operating system software, general business software, and discipline-specific software (exception: discipline-specific software used in the College of Osteopathic Medicine is tested by COM staff).

After testing, software which is deemed suitable and compatible will be placed on the deployment list. Only software on the current deployment list will be deployed with the new computers.

Computers for Student Computing Laboratories and Public Areas

ITS will maintain a full inventory of computers in all student computing laboratories and other public areas, including but not limited to, innovation centers, libraries, learning centers, smart classrooms, etc. and will develop a rolling multi-year replacement cycle based on a four-year replacement cycle for all such student-facing computers. This inventory will include all discipline-based specialty computer laboratories and global locations, but will exclude College of Osteopathic Medicine computers.

ITS will contact the departments at least once a year in late spring to inquire about their future needs regarding hardware and software. Software requests must be submitted by the deadline for installation for the fall semester. Based on the input received from the departments and the current software deployment list, ITS will prepare the new software image to be deployed for the following Fall. Mid-semester upgrades to the classroom computer image will not occur unless there is a serious software vulnerability. Stability and reliability of the computer classrooms is the priority over last minute software requests.

New hardware with the new software image will be deployed to designated locations at the beginning of the fall semester. Software updates are installed for the spring semesters.

Computers for Faculty and Staff

Faculty Computers

Full-time faculty may request either a laptop or a desktop device (Windows or Mac). If a mid-cycle replacement/switch is requested, it must be negotiated with ITS. Faculty computers are typically replaced on a four-year cycle.

Staff Computers

Full-time staff are allocated a Windows desktop or laptop computer by default. Apple computers will be issued to staff only if a defined and documented business need for an Apple device exists. If a mid-cycle replacement/switch is requested, it must be negotiated with ITS. Staff computers are typically replaced on a four-year cycle.

New Faculty and Staff

New faculty and staff will be provided with a desktop or laptop computer according to this policy. Depending on requirements and availability, an appropriate re-deployed computer may be provided.

Printers and Multifunction Devices

Multifunction devices provided by ITS will be on a multi-year equipment lease. ITS will collaborate with each department in establishing any special requirements, location, and timing before rolling-out new devices.

If a department needs to add a multifunction device due to increased or changed needs mid-lease cycle, they should contact ITS.

Only desktop printers supported by an ITS exemption will be supported by ITS.

Exceptions and Special Requests

The following are considered exceptions and special requests:

  • More than one computing device for a faculty or staff member
  • Desktop printer for a faculty or staff member
  • Scanners and other specialty peripherals

Individuals who would like to request any one of the above exceptions should make the request and route it through their department office, as necessary. If the exception request is approved, please send supervisor approval to ITS for review.

In all cases, the exception request must clearly identify the business justification. It is expected that only a very small number of exceptions will be requested and approved. Desktop printers and printers for remote workers will only be approved on extremely rare occasions.

Procurement Process

Purchasing will not approve any purchase requests for computers, laptops, tables or printers without the endorsement of ITS, with the exception of the College of Osteopathic Medicine.

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