The Output (Peloton)

Fitness Expert Offers Explosive Training Tips

Faculty member shares advice to help readers enhance athletic performance and stay ready for everyday obstacles.

Rothstein Recommends Best Times for Walking

Exercise science expert shares when taking an active stroll may benefit people the most.

Exercise Physiologist: Here’s When to Practice Yoga

Fitness expert advises best practices for performing yoga before or after a more intense workout.

Expert Featured in Strength Training Story

Exercise physiologist shares how time under tension workouts can help build muscle.

Rothstein Explains Popular Resistance Training Methods

Fitness expert discusses the differences between strength and hypertrophy training.

Expert Quoted in Stories About Strength and Cardio Workouts

Twice in one week, Alexander Rothstein, M.S., was quoted in a popular at-home fitness blog.

Rothstein Quoted in Conditioning Story

Instructor and coordinator for the Exercise Science program discusses metabolic conditioning (metcon) workouts.