Convocation 2018: Blue Skies for a Bright Academic Year

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Convocation 2018: Blue Skies for a Bright Academic Year

September 6, 2018

The sun was shining as faculty and staff gathered in Riland Auditorium on the Long Island (Old Westbury, N.Y.) campus and virtually from NYIT’s other campuses to celebrate the start of a new academic year at NYIT’s Convocation on August 30.

This year marked the first time NYIT President Hank Foley, Ph.D., officially held convocation. In addition to welcoming back the community, he spoke about the positive changes happening at NYIT, including: news of $426,621 National Science Foundation grant for the acquisition of a micro-computed tomography scanner, the launch of NYIT’s first Ph.D. program, the reaccreditation of three of the College of Engineering and Computing Sciences degree programs as well as the accreditation of the computer science program; the return of NYIT’s storied track program, and the formation of an eSports team—the Cybears.


President Hank Foley spoke about the many positive changes at NYIT during his address.

“We are in a period of change at NYIT…change is good and it is necessary,” said President Foley, adding that ultimately NYIT’s success will depend on the student experience in and out of the classroom.

“That is the factor you control each and every day—by how you think about your students and by how you affect those students,” he said to the faculty. “Each of us can recall teachers who changed us for the better. You can be one of those people who change someone else’s life for the better.”

He also took a moment to welcome Patrick Minson, M.B.A., the new vice president for Development and Alumni Affairs, and Junius Gonzales, M.D., provost and vice president for Academic Affairs.


Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs Junius Gonzales addresses attendees at Convocation.

Gonzales echoed President Foley’s message of change at the university. “At NYIT, I also see a high potential to make a real impact, a real opportunity for all of us to move the needle into untapped areas,” he said. “This includes reaching out to non-traditional or adult learner students who are seeking degree completion or focusing on recruiting students whose demographics best mirror the New York/Long Island region today. Any changes that NYIT will undergo must be embraced by all of us and must be with the goal of improving student success.”


President Hank Foley and Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs Junius Gonzales take questions from the audience.