
Portrait of Emily Mejia

Where Math Meets Art

Architecture student Emily Mejia is heavily involved on campus, building an impressive roster of extracurriculars and fueling her love for the field and future career.

Portrait of Harley Duncan

A Call to Medicine

After her grandfather was seriously injured in a collision and witnessing his lack of access to specialists, Harley Duncan decided she wanted to be part of the solution. With the goal of becoming a neurologist, she is committed to practicing near the underserved community where she was raised.

Profile of Fahad Malik

Global Vision, Local Action

Fahad Malik came to New York Tech as a transfer student studying information technology, and in just one year, he has become actively involved on campus.

Portrait of Keerthi Kaparapavu

Changing Environments

Computer science student Keerthi Kapavarapu dreams of changing the world, but first she’s creating change at New York Tech.

Portrait of Ghita Akkar

A Passion for Architecture

Growing up in Casablanca, Ghita Akkar (B.Arch. ’09) was impressed by the diverse architectural designs in the city. Knowing she wanted to pursue a career in architecture, she found her place at New York Tech and now owns her own firm.

Portrait of Oneil Gayle

An Alumnus Gives Back to His Alma Mater

Oneil Gayle (B.S. ’01) credits New York Tech with preparing him for success in the corporate world. Now, he’s paying it forward by providing New York Tech students with job opportunities to help propel their careers.

Portrait of Tyler King

Living His Dream

Tyler King (D.O. ’20) says he’s living the dream working as a family physician and serving as a city council member in Laredo, Texas.

Portrait of Amerigo Rossi

Get to Know the New Exercise and Sport Science Graduate Program

Building on the success of the undergraduate exercise and sport science program, New York Tech has established a master’s degree. Amerigo Rossi, Ed.D., director of the new degree program, talks about who the ideal student is and how exercise science connects with architecture and business.

Portrait of Nicole Maniscalco

Helping Others Live Their Best Life

As a senior physical therapist and coordinator for program development at Northwell Health Rehab At Home, Nicole Maniscalco (B.S. ’14, D.P.T. ’17) is helping patients heal in the comfort of their homes.

Portrait of Jeunelle Sanabria

Creating a Culture of Care

Associate Dean of Students Jeunelle Sanabria approaches her job with love and care, helping students reach their full potential.