Media Coverage

Haar: Spices Can Help Prevent Colds

Dec 12, 2012

"Soups made with herbs and spices, such as garlic dill and oregano add to the body's strength in dealing with cold virus," says School of Health Professions Director of Program Development/Interdisciplinary Health Sciences Mindy Harr, Ph.D. in "Cold Season Prevention Pointers" on Haar is among several experts quoted in the story, and she advises cooks to add herbs, spices, bulgar, wheat and berries to help prevent the common cold.


VanBergeijk in Newsday: New Autism Definitions are Misguided

Dec 11, 2012

Ernst VanBergeijk, Ph.D., director of the Vocational Independence Program, argues in Newsday against the elimination of Asperger syndrome as a diagnosis is the new edition of the Diagnostic Manual of Mental Disorders or DSM-V.  

"This misguided change in the DSM-V limits the number of people labeled as having an autism spectrum disorder, effectively giving insurers and others an excuse to cut the funding for social and educational services these individuals need to live healthy, independent lives," he writes. "There are distinct differences between a child with Asperger syndrome and a child with autistic disorder  just ask any parent who has experienced this with his or her child. So there are different approaches to these diagnoses."


WNYC Highlights NYIT's STEM Mentoring Program at P.S. 241

Dec 11, 2012

"The idea here is to bring in science and engineering majors, students who are in the process of becoming those things, and bring them into the schools so the habits of the students are ondisplay in front of the the little ones, the elementary students," instructional technology professor Jim Martinez tells WNYC-AM at an event celebrating the partnership that brought NYIT students to a Harlem school in need of STEM mentoring.

"That's a great way for children to learn - to watch the people who have the skill set in practice." NYIT's program also helped the teachers at P.S. 241; NYIT students helped repair computers, assisted with smart board set-ups, and guided teachers through some technology glitches. Along the way, they "challenged kids to think like engineers," says sophomore Renee Avalos, and discovered the joy of being a role model for a young student.


Online Learning vs. Classroom Learning

Nov 20, 2012

"When I think back to my own college years, what I learned was never measured by my test scores," writes College of Arts and Sciences Associate Professor Cathy Bernard in a New York Times letter in response to an article about large online classes. "What I learned is what I now remember, four decades later. I remember my professors' passion for their subject matter -- my sprightly young English professor who grew rhapsodic over the Romantic poets; my professor from Ireland who jumped onto the desk the first day of class and read aloud from Yeats's 'Sailing to Byzantium.' Can such moments be rendered in online classes for 40,000 students? Perhaps. But I tend to think that it will be a bit like seeing a Broadway play live, the indescribable thrill of the moment, versus seeing a broadcast version on TV."


Blazey Advises Men to Talk About Health

Nov 01, 2012

“When it comes to men and health, a lot of it is just getting the conversation going,” says William Blazey of the College of Osteopathic Medicine in Men’s Health.

Blazey, who grows a moustache each fall as part of the Movember movement to support men’s health issues, says men often visit doctors only when they have an injury or feel like something is wrong. Having a good relationship with a family doctor can help a patient keep up with necessary tests and screenings, especially if the patient shares family history that impacts testing recommendations.

“A lot of times, I’ll have a patient who comes in, and he’s had a problem for weeks or months, but he hasn’t talked to anyone about it,” says Blazey.

Blazey suggests men in their 20s and 30s may be more open to talking about healthcare issues and can help start the conversation about men’s health with their fathers. 


Gilliar Named New Dean of NYIT College of Osteopathic Medicine

Oct 15, 2012

“I have three ‘C’s’ that I want our students to be at the time they graduate and beyond: competent, confident and compassionate,” says new College of Osteopathic Medicine Dean Wolfgang Gilliar, D.O, in Newsday. “I feel not only honored and joyful but also stimulated to do more and encourage our students even more to be the best they can be.”


Hadjiargyrou Letter to The Times: Scientists and Cheating

Oct 08, 2012

"Why are we surprised at the increase in the number of retracted research papers," asks College of Arts and Sciences Life Sciences Chair Michael Hadjiargyrou in a letter to The New York Times in response to an editorial on fraud in scientific literature. "Scientists are no different from anyone else in our competitive society and look for shortcuts to achieve their ambitious goals...And although we may think of scientists as operating above and beyond the honor system, in reality, under this competitive financing environment, many violate ethical behavior and cook the data. It is indeed a shameful mode of behavior, but in many ways it goes unnoticed and even gets rewarded."


Holler: Architecture Students Benefit With Design-Build Experience

Oct 03, 2012

"Architects who embrace new models of doing business are doing better than those sitting and waiting for a client to make a phone call and get hired," says School of Architecture and Design Assistant Professor Tobias Holler in Long Island Business News (subscription required).

Holler notes that architecture students who work on design and construction are in a better position to understand their field. Holler led a team of NYIT students in a designing and construction a recycling center in Costa Rica. The project helped them develop entrepreneurial skills and a proactive mindset as they learned how to raise money, market themseelves, and use social media to promote their work.


Dr. William Blazey: Focusing on Men's Health

Oct 01, 2012

“A lot of men feel the role of the healthcare provider is to take care of an injury,” says College of Osteopathic Medicine Assistant Professor William Blazey, DO, in a Fresh Juice article about the changing relationship men have with doctors. “They don’t see prevention as an important thing. Yet prevention is key to avoiding health issues that arise over time.”

In a healthy relationship, Blazey says men are often healthy because the couple supports each other. “In unhealthy relationships, that’s reflected physically too,” he adds. Men often take better care of themselves when they are divorced or single, says Blazey. “I think it’s partly because they’re back in the game.” 

Blazey says he tells men to book an annual checkup at the same time they service their cars. It’s ideal, he notes, to have a relationship with a doctor who follows health issues over time. 


McPherson Offers Global Education Ideas in Parents Magazine

Sep 01, 2012

New Zealand's young students are encouraged to use technology early and often, says Sarah McPherson, Ed.D., chair of the School of Education's department of instructional technology, in "Global Lessons: Education Ideas from Around the World" in Parents. "Students start using technology when they're 5, drawing with simple graphics programs and dictating the captions to their teachers," says McPherson, Ed. D. " By the time kids are in third grade, they're posting their writing and drawings online independently."