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New York Tech Alumni Publish New Books

September 25, 2023

New York Tech alumni have recently published new books, ranging in topic from a mother deer and her fawn trying to navigate life in a new forest and a Hollywood director’s all-access look at the industry to an investigation into universities’ use of social media platforms and one doctor’s advice to help readers naturally channel their “feel good” hormones.

Daedalusian Legends: Twisted Reunion, a novella by Bader Alsadeqi’s (B.S. ’13) tells the tale of barbarian mercenary leader, Hogan. While he is accepting a job involving the protection of a caravan and a hunt for the bandits planning to plunder its goods, a weapon-wielding madman suddenly storms the area in a frenzy. Hogan soon learns that this seemingly random event has uncanny connections to his lover and lieutenant, Sarah.

In Fifty Movies Made: Lessons Learned on a Filmmaker’s Journey, Jared Cohn (B.F.A. ’10) recounts his journey as a director in Hollywood. With 50 films to his name, Cohn has seen the good and bad of Hollywood, and he shares with readers his stories of behind-the-scenes adventures, missteps, and hard-learned lessons to help aspiring filmmakers find success.

Surgeon Scott Fried (D.O. ’81) has devoted his medical career to teaching patients that there are simple and effective alternatives to drugs and surgery. Now, he puts his words of wisdom on paper in The Opioid Alternative: Medical Meditation for Surgery—for Pain—for Life. Offering insights and simple, effective techniques, Fried teaches readers how to enhance their body’s innate ability to produce “feel good” hormones naturally.

In Machiavellians: Gulling the Rubes, Dale Hartley, Ph.D. (M.A. ’09), explores the psychology of Machiavellians, or “master manipulators,” and teaches readers how to identify and beat those with this personality trait at their own game. Take the Mach-20 test and learn Machiavellian Advance Detection and Resistance (MADAR), a set of skills and tactics to outwit schemers, swindlers, pathological liars, con artists, and more.

Social Media and Genre Studies: An Investigation of Facebook and Twitter Higher Education Web Pages by Thomas Kenny, Ph.D. (B.A. ’10), investigates whether the two social media platforms have become a genre of media for institutes of higher education. Through content analysis and interviews with social media employees, Kenny argues that while universities’ web pages on these platforms do constitute a genre, they each work separately to achieve varying goals.

William (Bill) Kiley (B.S. ’78) continues the children’s story of Hope, a white-tailed deer, and her spotted fawn, Freckles, in Hope and Freckles: Learning to Live in a New Land. In the first installment of this series, Hope and Freckles were forced out of their forest home due to threats of hunger and danger. In this latest tale, the four-legged refugees adjust to life in their new sanctuary, the Big Pine Forest, where they must adapt to a different language and a new way of life.

Patricia Mavros Brexel (B.F.A. ’82) has added to her collection of short, educational, children’s biblical stories with Jesus Celebrates Hanukkah. Illustrated with vibrant and colorful artwork, Jesus Celebrates Hanukkah is a tool for parents and guardians alike to connect with young readers and help teach them about the meaning behind Hanukkah and how it is celebrated. 

So You Wanna be an NFL Scout: Stories of the Draft, Players, and Over 30 Years of Traveling on the Road chronicles the football-centric life of Steven Verderosa (B.S. ’87), a former New York Giants scout and three-time Super Bowl champion. Football fans will enjoy the book’s behind-the-scenes look at life as an NFL scout, as well as stories of players, games, drafts, and all that goes into putting a football team together.

To read these alumni works, check New York Tech’s library for available copies.