
Name Title Credits School
BIOE 201 Introduction to Bioengineering 3 College of Eng & Comp Sciences
This course is designed to orient the Bioengineering students to the program and department. Lectures are given by faculty experts in an area of biomedical engineering. The goal is to give beginning students an appreciation for the breadth of the field and to guide them in making curriculum, major and career choices. Important resources including the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology (EMB) society, Biomedical Engineering society (BMES), and career-building will be presented. Students are encouraged to actively participate in discussions.

Prerequisite Course(s): Prerequisites: ETCS 105

Classroom Hours - Laboratory and/or Studio Hours – Course Credits: 3-0-3

BIOE 301 Biomedical Instrumentation & Design 4 College of Eng & Comp Sciences
This course will provide an overview of instrumentation systems used in clinical medicine and biomedical research. The course covers the topics such as basic sensors in biomedical engineering, biological signal measurement and conditioning, data acquisition and data analysis. Systems for measuring biologic signals will be discussed including biopotentials, stress and strain, pressure, temperature, and optical properties. Electrical hazards, safety, measuring instruments and techniques will be discussed. In addition, the course will teach in detail the LabVIEW programming, a graphics tool for virtual instrumentation. The students will learn the techniques of collecting biological signals using basic sensors. They will also learn digitizing and analyzing the collected biological signals with LabVIEW and data acquisition hardware.

Prerequisite Course(s): Prerequisites: EENG 270 and MENG 211.

Classroom Hours - Laboratory and/or Studio Hours – Course Credits: 3-1-4

BIOE 315 Introduction to Biomaterials 3 College of Eng & Comp Sciences
This course provides an introduction to materials, including metals, ceramics, polymers, composites, coatings, and adhesives that are used in the human body. It emphasizes the physiochemical properties of materials that are considered important to meet the criteria specified for the implant and device applications (e.g. strength, modulus, fatigue and corrosion resistance, conductivity), and to be compatible with the biological environment (e.g. nontoxic, noncarcinogenic, etc.).

Prerequisite Course(s): Prerequisites: CHEM 215

Classroom Hours - Laboratory and/or Studio Hours – Course Credits: 3-0-3

BIOE 320 Statistics for Bioengineers 3 College of Eng & Comp Sciences
A comprehensive approach to conducting relevant and publication-level research in the field of bioengineering. Utilization of software such as Matlab,R, SAS and/or SPSS to conduct in-depth data analyses will provide the students with valuable skillsets.

Prerequisite Course(s): Prerequisites: MATH 170, MENG 201

Classroom Hours - Laboratory and/or Studio Hours – Course Credits: 3-0-3

BIOE 401 Bioengineering Laboratory Principles 1 College of Eng & Comp Sciences
This course will introduce students to the principles, applications, and design of instruments used in biomedical research, clinical evaluations and other relevant bioengineering applications. Data will be acquired from electrocardiographs, electromyographs, electrooculographs and lie detectors. In addition, other relevant physiological functions such as respiration, visual and cognitive functions will be tested. Data analysis will be performed and results will be interpreted according to relevant physiological principles. Students will work in groups to accomplish each task.

Prerequisite Course(s): Prerequisites: BIOE 301

Classroom Hours - Laboratory and/or Studio Hours – Course Credits: 0-3-1

BIOE 402 Introduction to Medical Imaging 3 College of Eng & Comp Sciences
This course will introduce the students to the physics and technologies associated with modern medical imaging devices. After a brief introduction to concepts from signals and systems, and image processing, radiographic imaging including X-rays and Computer Tomography (CT), Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), Nuclear Medicine Imaging and Ultrasound Imaging will be covered. Appropriate homework assignments will be given throughout the semester to assess the learning process. Additionally, paper reviews and MATLAB programming-based projects will accompany the course materials.

Prerequisite Course(s): Prerequisites: BIOL 365 Corequisites: EENG 341

Classroom Hours - Laboratory and/or Studio Hours – Course Credits: 3-0-3

BIOE 440 Process Control in Biotechnology 3 College of Eng & Comp Sciences
This course provides principles and methods of measurement, data acquisition and analysis. Application of control theory in biological systems and in biotechnology processes; control of pressure, flow, temperature, and pH. The goal of this course is to prepare the students for designing digital control algorithms that automate the biotechonolgy processes.

Prerequisite Course(s): Prerequsites: EENG 341, BIOE 301

Classroom Hours - Laboratory and/or Studio Hours – Course Credits: 3-0-3

BIOE 489 Senior Design Project I 2 College of Eng & Comp Sciences
This course, part of a two course sequence, is the capstone project design for bioengineering students. The course includes project formulation, generation of design specifications, literature search techniques, mathematical modeling techniques, review of simulation software, project management, proposal writing skills, and review of oral and written communication skills.

Prerequisite Course(s): Prerequisites: BIOE 301, EENG 341, EENG 371 Corequisites: BIOE 401

Classroom Hours - Laboratory and/or Studio Hours – Course Credits: 1-2-2

BIOE 491 Senior Design Project II 2 College of Eng & Comp Sciences
This course is the continuation of BIOE 489, senior design project I. Students will work in multidisciplinary teams to design a system or component of a system. This will be a comprehensive design that draws primarily on skills and knowledge acquired in previous coursework. The teams will work on an independent basis with the primary function of the instructor being that of a mentor to the students. The design will incorporate engineering standards and multiple realistic constraints such as its impact on society, health and safety, environmental considerations, sustainability, and ethical considerations, literature and patent search, and project management. Weekly progress reports as well as a final oral and written presentation will be required.

Prerequisite Course(s): Prerequisites: BIOE 401, BIOE 489

Classroom Hours - Laboratory and/or Studio Hours – Course Credits: 1-2-2