Blue and yellow stylized image of Barcelona


Exhibition: 2018 Summer Abroad in Spain

October 29, 2018 - November 30, 2018

Education Hall, Center Gallery
Long Island, NY

Thirteen students and two professors from the School of Architecture and Design at NYIT spent the summer session abroad in the north of Spain. After three weeks of traveling, exploring, and understanding cities and architecture, students participated in a two-week studio at the International University of Catalonia (IUC) in Barcelona.

This exhibition showcases the work produced during the studio and presented by the students to a group of distinguished jurors during their finals at the school in Barcelona. These investigations and design proposals focusing on sustainable strategies for landscape urbanism have been elaborated by teams of students for the Besos River basin and the abandoned industrial area of the Three Chimneys. Concerning the metropolitan area of Barcelona between Saint Adria and Badalona that faces the Mediterranean Sea, the site-specific proposals deal with ecological, social, and spatial issues across several dimensional scales and involving diverse users and stakeholders.