Matrix of equation covered walls


Math-Physics Seminar: The Many Faces of String Theory and how they teach us to think about the world

November 16, 2021
12:30 PM – 1:30 PM

16 W. 61st St., Room 821


Sophia Domokos, Ph.D.

Theoretical physicists are famously on the hunt for “the” fundamental description of the universe. But what if there is no fundamental description? What if we can develop many different ways to describe the same physical system – and choose the “language” that is most helpful at a given time?

Join us on Tuesday, November 16, from 12:30 - 1:30 p.m. for a talk on some of the myriad ways string theory lets us describe the physical world, from encoding particle properties using extra dimensions, to the astonishing holographic duality conjecture, which translates real-world systems like superconductors and atomic nuclei into the language of warped spaces and black holes.
