ETIC iNTEREST Lecture Series Logo


Introduction to Command Line Usage in Windows and Linux

February 15, 2024
1:00 PM – 1:45 PM


Come to this virtual lecture on using command line interfaces, hosted by New York Tech's ETIC business incubator.

Did you know that many Operating Systems have both a graphical user interface (GUI) AND a command line interface (CLI)? This seminar introduces participants to the key features and the most important commands of both Windows and Linux operating systems. Attendees will learn commands to manipulate and organize hard drive content, test network connectivity, and secure files and folders all from the command line features of the systems.

The iNTEREST Lecture Series is hosted by the Entrepreneurship & Technology Innovation Center (ETIC) at the College of Engineering and Computing Sciences. It is designed to introduce attendees to a variety of high-demand technologies associated with dedicated career paths. All sessions will be recorded and uploaded to the ETIC YouTube channel.
