Samer Charbaji obtained his Ph.D. in Technology and Operations from the University of Michigan Ross School of Business. He uses novel experimental designs to study ways of improving knowledge worker productivity. His research has looked at how enterprise social media platforms (a popular form of communication technology) can be designed to improve the helping behavior and productivity of knowledge workers. Separately, he studies the creativity aspect of the tasks on which knowledge workers often work. He has specifically studied how creativity constraints affect the originality and usefulness of a knowledge worker's creative output and how task-switching between creative and non-creative tasks affects the productivity of knowledge workers.

Recent Projects and Research

  1. Enterprise Social Media Platform Design and Knowledge Worker Productivity with Roman Kapuscinski and Stephen Leider, in preparation to submit to Production and Operations Management (draft available upon request)
  2. Creative Task Constraints and Knowledge Worker Productivity with Roman Kapuscinski and Stephen Leider, in preparation to submit to Management Science (draft available upon request)
  3. Managerial Check-ins and Task Switching Behavior with Roman Kapuscinski and Stephen Leider, work in progress (draft available upon request)

Professional Honors and Awards

  1. Finalist at the 2023 POMS College of Behavioral Operations Management Junior Scholar Paper Competition
  2. Courtade Award 2021-2022 from the University of Michigan Rackham Graduate School
  3. W. Allen Spivey/Valerie and William Hall Family Fellowship for Academic Excellence, 2020–2021
  4. Third place at the 2021 INFORMS Social Media Analytics Student Paper Competition
  5. 2019 Ross Emeritus Award for Best Second Year Paper at the Michigan Ross School of Business

Courses Taught at New York Tech

  • QANT 620 Multi-Criteria Decision Models
  • QANT 630 Operations and Supply Chain Management

Contact Info