MC Phototypesetting was superior to automated typesetting because it was Easier incorrect Faster incorrect More flexible incorrect All of the above correct MA One needs a desktop publishing program to: use different fonts correct create different page layouts correct Shop on eBay incorrect combine art and text on a page correct MA Which of the following are US Presidents? Adams correct Garney incorrect Lincoln correct Bednar incorrect ESS List, in detail, the steps to find out how much RAM is on your computer. Do the same to explain how to find out how what operating system you are currently running. MAT List the following famous battles in order of occurrence. BattleofHastings 1 BattleofYorktown 2 Gettysburg 3 BattleoftheSomme 4 D-Day 5 MAT Match the famous battles with the year they were fought. BattleofHastings 1066 Gettysburg 1863 BattleofSomme 1917 TF This is a super-neat blackboard help. True incorrect TF Canada is part of the United States of America. False incorrect