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Smart Start/Salary Negotiation Workshop with Maria L. Ellis, M.B.A.

October 20, 2021
4:00 PM – 5:30 PM

On October 20, 2021, Maria L. Ellis, M.B.A., led a workshop for students to learn how to sharpen their salary negotiation skills. Ellis is the author of the book, Achieving Financial Freedom and a board member of the American Association of University Women (AAUW) in New York. We invite you to watch the recording of this workshop below.

About Maria L. Ellis, M.B.A.

Maria L. Ellis

Maria L. Ellis, M.B.A., has written a book on a topic that remains important, generation after generation: how to ensure your personal financial management enhances your efforts and achievements in all other aspects of your life. Ellis has spent her entire career in the financial world, rising up the ladder at a bank conducting international business, and now in real estate. She deeply understands financial concepts and now shares her knowledge and expertise in a highly readable book.

Modular in format, Ellis’s book, Achieve Financial Freedom: The Road Map to Financial Success, starts with the basics: creating a budget and defining your long-term financial goals. Maria explains how anyone can—and should—create a personal financial budget as a strong foundation for successfully managing your finances in the present and preparing for the future you want. Each chapter is chock full of helpful references to additional resources, allowing you, the reader, to decide where to dive deeper.

Ellis’s life story is an inspiring one. Immigrating to the United States with her family after graduating from high school in Guayaquil, Ecuador, where she was born and spent her formative years, Maria pursued her B.B.A. and M.B.A. at the University of Massachusetts and later enrolled in the Harvard Business School Owner-President Management program.

You can obtain a copy of Achieve Financial Freedom: The Road Map to Financial Success via All the sales proceeds will be donated to the American Association of University Women to promote education and pay equity for women and girls.