NYIT students smiling at table at event


New Student Orientation: Long Island

August 1, 2019
9:00 AM – 5:00 PM

Salten Hall
Long Island, NY

We are delighted that you have decided to become an NYIT student!

Please note that this date is for new first-year students. If this is the only date that works for you and you are not a first-year student, you are still welcome to sign up and attend.

New Student Orientation is a mandatory program for all new students to help smooth your transition to college life and NYIT. You will participate in the following sessions:

  • Academic Success and Support
  • Consent and Civic Responsibility
  • Technology
  • Transitions
  • Social Engagement Activities
  • Visit support services offices as needed

Families and guests will be able to attend a Family and Guest Orientation during the first half of the day. You may bring up to two guests.

Check-in will begin at 8:30 a.m. All students will receive an NYIT swag bag with t-shirt at check-in. Complimentary lunch and refreshments will be provided. Please contact orientationli@nyit.edu if you require accommodations.

Orientation will take place at the Salten Hall on the Long Island Campus. Participants can park in Brook Lot 1.
