"DEI" Logo with a background of the an AIDS march


DEI Series: ACTing UP - Reflecting on the Movement to End the AIDS Pandemic

February 9, 2021
12:45 PM – 1:50 PM

Join us as New York Tech’s Ron Goldberg shares his experiences as a street activist and organizer with ACT UP (AIDS Coalition to Unleash Power). Founded in 1987 as a “diverse, non-partisan group of individuals, united in anger and committed to direct action to end the AIDS crisis,” ACT UP confronted politicians, researchers, drug companies, religious leaders, and an often-uncaring public to successfully alter the course of the AIDS epidemic. We’ll discuss the group’s impact on current policies, the startling echoes between this country’s response to the AIDS and COVID pandemics, and how the lessons of AIDS activism can be adapted and passed on to the next generation of activists.

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