BC Lions players


BC Lions Football Game

September 22, 2018
5:15 PM – 10:00 PM

The BC Lions are a Canadian football team based in Vancouver. Come see the BC Lions take on the Hamilton Tiger-Cats. Before the game, we will be participating in a pre-game sideline experience, and you will also receive a free BC Lions souvenir.

5:45 p.m.: Pre-game sideline experience on BC Place field
7:00 p.m.: Game time

We will meet at NYIT-Vancouver campus at 5:15 p.m. and walk together to BC Place Stadium. Please wear clothing and footwear appropriate to the weather conditions.


  • Meeting Place: NYIT-Vancouver, 701 West Georgia St., Suite 1700, Vancouver, BC
  • Event Location: BC Place, 777 Pacific Blvd., Vancouver, BC

Register to attend

Please contact Logan Lorenz at llorenz@nyit.edu or call 604.639.0942 if you have any questions about this campus life event.