The Hunts Point Collaborative Thesis: Understanding the Site

Student Presenter(s): Francis Rodriguez, Marilyn Corea-Ramirez, Donald A.Costner JR, Joshua Kogut, Tiarnan Mathers
Faculty Mentor: Giovanni Santamaria
Department: Architecture and Design
School/College: School of Architecture and Design, New York City

This video is the first part of a year-long collaborative B.Arch thesis project at New York Tech.

It focuses on the Bronx- Hunts Point- NY, framing and summarizing issues and potentialities with a crossing scales perspective that investigates historical, environmental, economic, political, social dynamics, to better understand the current state. This becomes the premise for sustainable design strategies and resilient approaches. With this research during the spring semester, we aim to address possible solutions to improve the quality of space and life for the local community in the future. The data collected, integrated, and cross-compared in this work is represented through multilayered mapping systems and experimental diagramming, towards the understanding of mutual connections and looking for the origin of the issues, more than their effects. Political unbalances, lack of social justice, unsustainable consumption, unequal distribution of powers, resources, and access to services across several scales are some of the factors that emerged from our research. The striving toward the achievement of a true Democracy comes with more prosperous economies, which contribute to both larger amounts of production and waste that have to be wisely managed. There is also a strong connection between marginalized groups and access to adequate health and education systems. To have a healthy community, there must also be a balanced and healthy environment.

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