DDoS Prevention on Cloud Environment with Snort

Student Presenter(s): Aung Ko Ko
Faculty Mentor: Maryam Raiyat Aliabadi
Department: Computer Science
School/College: College of Engineering and Computing Sciences, Vancouver

Between the rise of cyberattacks and the rapid data migration to the Cloud, cloud security becomes a higher priority for organizations and cloud service providers. This paper demonstrates the deployment of Snort IDPS in the cloud environment that provides better alerts and logs management to mitigate DDoS attacks quickly. The DDoS attack, in which the performance of a system, website, web-based application, or web-based service is purposefully and maliciously degraded, or the system becomes inaccessible, is the most well-known attack that threatens availability. In this paper, we present the deployment of Snort IDPS in AWS Cloud. This paper also details the integration of the Snort Logging and Alerting component with AWS CloudWatch and Simple Notification Service (SNS). Finally, we demonstrate the comparison of system performance before and after deployment of Snort IDPS on AWS Cloud.