Student Outcomes

Level and CEFR/ACTFL Listening and Speaking Reading and Writing
Level 3

CEFR: B1.1

ACTFL: Intermediate Mid–Intermediate High
  • Always understand the main idea in messages and presentations on a variety of topics related to everyday life and personal interests and academic contexts.
  • Usually understand a few details of what is overheard in listening situations, even when something unexpected or unfamiliar is expressed.
  • Sometimes follow what is heard about events and experiences in various time frames.
  • Always recognize the main idea of texts related to everyday life, personal interests, and academic contexts.
  • Usually follow texts about events, experiences, and academic contexts in various time frames.
  • Recognize higher frequency vocabulary in the Academic Word List.
  • Make presentations in a generally organized way on academic contexts discussed.
  • Produce natural language related to contexts in various time frames with some errors in transition.
  • Write coherent and organized paragraphs to include clear topic sentences, relevant details, expanded explanations, and concluding sentences.
  • Always write simple sentences correctly, and make mostly successful attempts to write compound and complex sentence structures.
Level 4

CEFR: B1.2

ACTFL: Advanced Low
  • Recognize the main idea and most supporting details in organized speech on a variety of topics of personal and general interest.
  • Follow stories, descriptions, and academic contexts at length and in various time frames.
  • Recognize information presented in a variety of genres on familiar topics, even when something unexpected is expressed.
  • Recognize the main idea and almost all supporting details on a variety of topics of personal, general interest, and academic contexts.
  • Follow stories and descriptions of length and in various time frames and genres.
  • Annotate texts to show understanding.
  • Summarize texts read in various contexts.
  • Understand low-intermediate lower frequency vocabulary found in the Academic Word List.
  • Deliver organized presentations appropriate to my audience on a variety of topics.
  • Present information about events, experiences, and academic contexts in various time frames.
  • Write on general interest, academic, and professional topics.
  • Write well organized and developed paragraphs about events, experiences, and academic contexts in various time frames.
  • Write a basic four to five paragraph essay in the following rhetorical modes: (1) opinion, (2) classification, (3) process, and (4) comparison and contrast.
Level 5


ACTFL: Advanced Mid
  • Easily follow narrative, informational, and descriptive speech.
  • Recognize discussions on most topics that deal with special interests, unfamiliar situations, and abstract concepts.
  • Sometimes follow extended arguments and different points of view.
  • Recognize the main idea and all supporting details in texts on a variety of topics of personal and general interest, as well as some academic contexts.
  • Easily follow stories and descriptions of considerable length and in various time frames.
  • Demonstrate understanding of texts written in a variety of genres, even when unfamiliar with the topic.
  • Recognize mid-intermediate lower frequency vocabulary found in the Academic Word List.
  • Deliver well-organized, detailed presentations on concrete social, academic, and professional topics.
  • Present detailed information about events, experiences, and academic contexts in various time frames usually with accuracy, clarity and precision.
  • Debate using a discourse of summary, validation, and critique.
  • Write on a wide variety of general interest, professional, and academic topics.
  • Write well-organized, detailed essays in various time frames using (1) cause and effect, (2) summary-response, and (3) argumentative rhetorical modes.
  • Integrate texts read and individual research into writing at a basic level.
  • Use proper formatting (MLA, APA, etc.) and cite sources correctly.