External Communications/Solicitations and Distribution of Literature

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    > employee handbook united states based employees
    > employee handbook vancouver based employees

External Communication

From time to time, as an employee of NYIT, you may receive inquiries from the media (e.g., newspapers, television stations, radio stations, magazines, or Internet-based media). To ensure that NYIT maintains the appropriate public image and that communications to the media are accurate and consistent with applicable NYIT policy, if you are contacted by the media, you should refer the individual making the inquiry to Enrollment Management and Strategic Communications at mediarelations@nyit.edu and NYIT-Vancouver's marketing department at hellovancouver@nyit.edu.

Any inquiries from attorneys or law enforcement representatives should be referred to the Office of the General Counsel.

Solicitations and Distribution of Literature

In the interest of maintaining a proper environment and preventing interference with work and inconvenience to others, employees may not distribute literature or printed materials of any kind, sell merchandise, solicit financial contributions, or solicit for any other cause during working time. Employees who are not on working time, e.g. those on lunch hour or breaks, may not solicit employees who are on working time for any cause or distribute literature of any kind to them. Non-employees are prohibited from distributing material or soliciting employees on NYIT premises at any time.