Business papers


M.B.A. Information Session

April 9, 2024
12:30 PM – 2:00 PM

Harry J. Schure Hall, Room 227
Long Island, NY

26 W. 61st St., Room 410
New York, NY

Join the New York Institute of Technology School of Management and learn how an M.B.A. can set you apart in the competitive job market.

Companies are actively seeking candidates with strong leadership potential, and pursuing an M.B.A. can give you the competitive edge you need!

At this session, you will gain insights into developing and implementing cutting-edge marketing programs for any industry. Learn how to organize, plan, and manage workflow, and cash flow, and evaluate the financial viability of projects.

Whether you're considering advancing your education now or in the future, we invite you to join us for a presentation on leadership. This event is your opportunity to learn more about what sets our program apart and explore the exciting world of leadership.

Pizza will be available at this event.
