Changing or Leaving


If you plan to resign, you must notify your supervisor and Student Employment that you are resigning from your position two weeks before you plan to leave.


Supervisors must notify Student Employment when they are having behavioral, work performance, or absence issues with students so that students who are not working do not receive paychecks. Students are not allowed to continue to work or volunteer services after the date of termination. It is a violation of federal and state law for a supervisor to allow or ask a student to volunteer services for a paid job. If a student is terminated from a job, Student Employment will determine whether they can apply for another position.

Grounds for termination include:

  • Submitting time sheets that have been accumulated beyond two weeks and not notifying Student Employment
  • Violating the Student Code of Conduct
  • Absences and tardiness
  • Work performance below supervisor expectations
  • Use of or being under the influence of or in possession of alcohol or illegal/illicit drugs in the work place
  • Falsifying time sheets
  • Violating confidentiality agreements

The termination process takes place in three steps:

  • Verbal warning: The supervisor meets with the student in person or on the phone to discuss reasons for the warning. The supervisor notifies Student Employment and may request Student Employment coordinator to also meet with the student.
  • Written warning: The supervisor writes an e-mail or letter to the student regarding the reason for the second warning and indicates that the next time the student engages in the behavior they will be terminated. The supervisor provides a copy of the warning to Student Employment.
  • Termination: The supervisor notifies the student and Student Employment that the student has been terminated.

Transferring Positions

Students may transfer from one position to another, provided they properly resign from their current position. To resign from a position, the student must give their supervisor and the Student Employment two weeks notice. Students may not begin a new position until they fill out a new contract, are approved to work, and are sent a new time sheet file by Student Employment.